New to this forum



Hi to all, I am new to this forum, been on in Oregon for years and followed a link to a post on this forum, read with interest and thought I'd join here too as I am planning to do more fishing around Victoria. I was born in BC in 1948, came to US as child, now find that a new bill passed will allow me to regain my Canadian citizenship, looking forward to that and fishing the old "home waters".

Don't know if it's a custom to tell a story when joining, it is at ifish, so I figured I'd tell a fishing story of a trip up there last summer. My son and I came up and fished with a guide out of Sooke, he's 24 and very muscular as he's a cheerleader at OSU, tossing girls around. Our guide asked him what his plans were in life and my son replied that he was going to get married when he grew up. Our guide, in a thick scottish brogue, replied, My God man, give yourself some credit, you're about as grown up as a man can get!

My son replied, Yah, I guess I am and looked off into the distance for awhile as if he was thinking about some revelation in his life. That night our son was buying an engagement ring at the jewelry shop in the Empress Hotel and last month, he got married! I guess he's all grown up now.

And the fishing was great too, the day we fished out of Sooke we had a killer whale breech just ten feet from the boat as my son reeled in a nice chinook! A fun trip and we plan to come back. Hope to learn how to find halibut, ground fish and salmon up there.

As the resident old ex-surfer from southern Vancouver Island now residing near Campbell River but not ocean fishing much these days I'd just like to say welcome.
Hope you get the chance to enjoy some more of what we have to offer.
Lots of good anglers on here that know their stuff.
Few goofs too, but that's what makes a discussion board. :D

Take care.
Howdy BAS!

Welcome Aboard! You'll like this forum; there's a bit of everything here. We got some great fishermen, conservationist's, and even a smattering of hypocritical fishfarmers.

My BRO has a duel-citizenship; he lives on Maui. Best of both worlds I suppose.

Get tired of Bush then head north for a dose of Harper... Yikes!
I'm outta' here.

quote:Originally posted by Little Hawk

Howdy BAS!

Welcome Aboard! You'll like this forum; there's a bit of everything here. We got some great fishermen, conservationist's, and even a smattering of hypocritical fishfarmers.

My BRO has a duel-citizenship; he lives on Maui. Best of both worlds I suppose.

Get tired of Bush then head north for a dose of Harper... Yikes!
I'm outta' here.


Now now...Harper's as good as it gets in Canada...rather have him than Dion ([xx(]) running our country.

Great story old is your son? Welcome to the board!

Welcome on board. I too just joined not that long ago and immediately recognized some old pals. Like Dave (Hi Dave) suggested, there are a lot of really great guys on this board who freely share their ideas. It is shocking really just how much good info they give up on line, when if you were to ask them at the dock the same question you would get nothing but vague you know what. So enjoy, ask lots of questions and I think you will find most folks to be really great.
Welcome aboard fellow fisherman and well you see where im from. This is truily the best fishing boards out there in my opinion. Good stories, good people willing to help the fellow fisherman out. Sad news about Oregon and Cali fishing this year :( Maybe on your way to Sooke you can stop in Washington and help us get rid of some pesky stelar sealions and the Bonnivle fish ladder :D All joking aside Welcome

Thanks for the friendly welcome. My son is 24 to answer that question, his bride 22. This has come as a shock to my single 27 year old son, but he's living with the fact that he's not yet ready to settle down yet being an aspiring film maker in Hollywood.

As far as getting rid of those Bonneville Sea Lions I am all for that and they promise that after catching and sending to zoos the first 20 or so that have been spoken for, they are going to actually start trapping and killing them. I'm sure that there will then be lawsuits as to whether or not lethal injection is a humane way to kill them and that they will sit on Sea Lion death row for years before that is sorted out, (joking cause that was just ruled on by our Supreme Court down here).

I'm sure it will be a worldwide media event on the day that they actually kill one of these things. They are such a nightmare to fish around, we've had problems for years with them stealing a hooked fish. Guys have learned to get the nets out slowly, not stand up and not make any noise, cause the Sea Lions will make a bee line for your boat if you make noise as you reel in. I wish they'd just allow a hunting season for them, now that's the way to make them scarce around humans.

I guess by now you've realized I don't donate to PETA. My motto is, all vegetarians are three days of no food from being a hunter/fisherman.

Thanks again for the warm welcome, looking forward to getting up there for some salt fishing.

Didn't mention anything about my salt boat, sorry about that, it's a 2509 Trophy, 2003, I put a hard top on it, Furuno radar, dual GPS, fishinder, dual radio's, repowered it with twin honda 150's and have a Honda 15 horse kicker with TR1 gold autopilot. I called it AJAX after the British destroyer that helped knock out the Graf Spey since my father and mother both served in the Canadian Army in WWII and my family is from Britain via Hong Kong.

Looking forward to learning all about fishing the waters mostly around the lower part of Vancouver Island.