New to Prawing and Crabbing- and hello to all!

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Hi Everyone! New member here so i thought I'd take a second and say hello to everyone out there, and compliment what a great forum you all have here. I've been pouring over the discussions, and the knowlege here is fantastic to read.

I moved to the island about a year ago, and have finally been able to get myself another fishing boat. Rebuilding the motor in the garage and working on the boat for a few weeks now, and I'm hoping to launch this weekend. I've never actually fished salt water before, so there are some things that I'm not familiar with. Prawing and crabbing is something I'd never heard of until I landed here. I was wonder if anyone could give me the basics of how to scout for them. Depth of water, do they school, preferred bait, that kind of thing. I've picked up some traps, got some floats for them etc, but any info I could get from your pros would be greatly appreciated...

I've been rebuilding motors for years, done a lot of the old chrysler/ force motors, so if anyone needs a hand with anything, feel free to drop me a line. I've got a supplier for just about all the parts for them at good prices, and dont' mind lending a hand to anyone out there that needs it. I can't seem to stop playing with engines so if you need a hand, feel free to give me a shout - I enjoy working on them.

I live in Qualicum Beach. Thanks again!

Welcome to the island Kevin. Prawning I've done a little of but am no expert. I've crabbed for years, tho. It's a little harder to get a good feed than it used to be, around the southern island. The rectangular traps sold everywhere are fine for crabs, with a few modifications. First, make sure you get some sturdy twine and block up the "ecological hole" built into the top of the trap. I sent my brother up to Bamfield to camp with his daughter a few years ago, telling him exactly where the wonderful crabbing was and he came back with his new crab trap and told me it sucked. He had neglected to block this hole in his trap! Secondly chuck the doors that come with the trap and ask at your local fishing store for weighted crab trap doors---they work much better. Make sure you have enough line for the waters you want to fish, otherwise your trap will sink or float away with the tide. Find a lead weight with a hook attached-- a couple of ounces will do. Use this to weight your extra line down so it doesn't get tangled in someone's prop. This will insure that angry boat owners will not cut your floating poly prop line off their propellers, resulting in the loss of your trap. Make sure your name and phone number are on your float. Be aware of commercial crab traps--they are laid down in lines along the bottom with a floating buoy at either end. If you lay your trap down on top of the crabbers sunken trap line, it gets caught up with his gear when he is pulling his line in by hydraulics. If he is nice, he will cut your line to untangle it from his, then tie it together and drop it back somewhere within 2 or 3 hundred meters of where you put it. It may be too deep where he finally drops it for your line. Bye bye trap. If he is not nice, he simply cuts it away from his gear and throws it overboard while cursing ignorant sports fishermen.
Finally, where to start fishing. I am not familiar with the areas around Qualicum. Get a good chart of the area and familiarize yourself with it. Take it to your local fishing store and ask where some areas might be. Crabs like eel grass--so study your chart and look for sandy bottoms. Good luck and get the butter and lemon juice ready.<img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>
Thanks for the great info! Really appreciate it. I've got some charts, and people are telling me between 20-50 ft is the best way to go. Going to make sure i stay right away from the commercial guys - don't want to get in the way of someone whos making a living.

Was wondering what the minimum depth is for prawns? I've been told 300 ft or so is the best. Can they be caught in shallower water? If so, what depth would be good for me to start out at?


For Dungess, what you are looking for is a shallow bay which has a small feeder creek. for some reason, the fresh water helps out. Having fished both the bign and little Q, I am not aware of the shangri la spot I just described above anywhere close to where you are going.

As for Prawns, I have given up fighting 300 feet of line on the deck and now buy Prawns when Safeway has 2 for 1 for about 11 bucks. Lets face it, we fish Prawns for food, not fun. Ever pull a set of traps up 300 feet to find hagfish in it? pay the $11.00.

I've been having great luck crab fishing the flats on Duke point! Right on the tip, it's about 25-30 ft, and pulled a trap with 11 dungeoness in it. All keepers. Kept the best 4 for my limit, but was happy as hell to find the place. The flat I was on runs about 75 ft or so, and after 3 times out there, it's been a good producer every time. And I haven't left the traps for more than 3 hours. Got a few prawns going out of French creek, but just enough to make a cocktail. Nothing worthy of a meal yet, but I've got some spots out of deep bay I want to try.

I've seen the deal at safeway - was Save-On foods here, and we're guilty of buying those from time to time. But I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and 300ft of line for fresh prawns is well worth the pull. I'm bound to happen on them sooner or later!! Lol

Thanks for the info on the fresh feed, appreciate it!

If anyone wants the GPS locale for where I've been hitting the crab, let me know.

Welcome to the island Kevin. Prawning I've done a little of but am no expert. I've crabbed for years, tho. It's a little harder to get a good feed than it used to be, around the southern island. The rectangular traps sold everywhere are fine for crabs, with a few modifications. First, make sure you get some sturdy twine and block up the "ecological hole" built into the top of the trap. I sent my brother up to Bamfield to camp with his daughter a few years ago, telling him exactly where the wonderful crabbing was and he came back with his new crab trap and told me it sucked. He had neglected to block this hole in his trap! Secondly chuck the doors that come with the trap and ask at your local fishing store for weighted crab trap doors---they work much better. Make sure you have enough line for the waters you want to fish, otherwise your trap will sink or float away with the tide. Find a lead weight with a hook attached-- a couple of ounces will do. Use this to weight your extra line down so it doesn't get tangled in someone's prop. This will insure that angry boat owners will not cut your floating poly prop line off their propellers, resulting in the loss of your trap. Make sure your name and phone number are on your float. Be aware of commercial crab traps--they are laid down in lines along the bottom with a floating buoy at either end. If you lay your trap down on top of the crabbers sunken trap line, it gets caught up with his gear when he is pulling his line in by hydraulics. If he is nice, he will cut your line to untangle it from his, then tie it together and drop it back somewhere within 2 or 3 hundred meters of where you put it. It may be too deep where he finally drops it for your line. Bye bye trap. If he is not nice, he simply cuts it away from his gear and throws it overboard while cursing ignorant sports fishermen.
Finally, where to start fishing. I am not familiar with the areas around Qualicum. Get a good chart of the area and familiarize yourself with it. Take it to your local fishing store and ask where some areas might be. Crabs like eel grass--so study your chart and look for sandy bottoms. Good luck and get the butter and lemon juice ready.<img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>

I forgot to say thanks when I read your reply the other day. I actually spent a full day mapping depths and looking for the areas you suggested, and it's been going great. Haven't come home without my limit yet! Thanks again.

I dumped 4 traps the other day, within 5 ft of each other, testing bait. Did one with Salmon, one with fresh chicken, one with canned tuna punched with holes, and the last with the "Crab and Prawn Bait" made here it BC. Chicken one full, salmon good, tuna nothing, and manufactured bait nothing.

Straight out from Rathtrever park - follow out into the straight and she drops hard from 50-375 ft. Dropped a few traps there, and shes a gold mine! Found a couple of good shelves in the area as well that seem to be producing about 100+ prawns per trap in a four hour span. anyone needs info lemme know.

Thanks again for all the help and info on getting going. Really appreciate it everyone! figured out that the store bought scotty bait cups need a bunch of 3/8 inch holes drilled into the lids to get things hopping in the traps.

Going to hit Chemanius tommorow morning. Out at tent island is supposed to be a hot spot. Will keep you posted.

And a great big thanks to the guy in the ski boat who's teaching his 3 young boys how to pull other peoples traps rather than how to fish. And than rather admit you've done something wrong and say sorry, cut the line and run away with your kids falling down in the boat and risking their saftey when we got within 100 feet and realized it was ours you were pulling. I was mad and screaming no doubt, but watching a 3 or 4 year old fall down and roll to the back of the boat with you taking off full tilt was worse than my losing a trap, line , bouy and weights. It's sport-fishing. Its supposed to be fun. Teach your kids the enjoyment of being out on the water, not how to steal, they deserve it.


quote: And a great big thanks to the guy in the ski boat who's teaching his 3 young boys
how to pull other peoples traps rather than how to fish. And than rather admit you've
done something wrong and say sorry, cut the line and run away with your kids falling
down in the boat and risking their saftey when we got within 100 feet and realized it
was ours you were pulling. I was mad and screaming no doubt, but watching a 3 or 4
year old fall down and roll to the back of the boat with you taking off full tilt was
worse than my losing a trap, line , bouy and weights. It's sport-fishing. Its supposed
to be fun. Teach your kids the enjoyment of being out on the water, not how to
steal, they deserve it.

Some people shouldn't have kids, Kevin. Glad you are having some success.
Wow, it's been two years since I wrote this original post. Things are great and I hope everyone here is doing fantastic and catching lots of whatever you're after.

Just searched "Crabbing in BC" and it dumped me right back to this post.


I am leaving to go to Bamfield tomorrow, meeting family...etc.
Does anyone have any advice specific to Bamfield prawns and crab.
I'll only be there for four days, so would love to catch some.
When I was a kid going to Tofino in 1968 my dad did all the work.
Wish I had paid more attention!
Grateful for any info.
North Saanich
Vancouver Island
hey guys, do I have to get water in my outboard to get replies?
Leaving for Bamfield at 3:00 p.m.
Still looking for tips on prawn depths and crab spots in Bamfield.
Where out of Bamfield, don't know. Look on your charts for tight contour lines indicating a sharp drop-off. The bottom of the drop should be in the neighbourhood of 350-450 feet. Make sure you have plenty of line and weight any extra so it sinks below the float. A trap puller will make life much easier. This should get you started.
Hey LB, I see a lot of prawn floats right outside of Poett Nook which is about 7 miles towards Port Alberni.... I usually stay at the Nook and have seen a few people having success.... SS
