New Scotty downriggers

Second season with the new units for me. I do find the brake more reliable than the old ones -- I found the old ones that the brake would begin to slip after a few months but the new ones have held now without adjustment for 1.5 seasons.

Like that they are fast but man, they are unforgiving!!! I've probably lost 6+ balls with friends accidentally turning the "On" button, or not letting go of the Green manual button in time. I now read the riot act each outing and will run the downriggers in most cases now myself.

While I love using braided line on my downriggers, I've switched back to stainless on both sides. I found that I was losing way too many balls on the braided stuff with these riggers as they tend to be very unforgiving on knots and connections.
Sounds like you guys need your old ones back-sometimes slow and easy is better than fast and hard-nothin I'd want to lose my balls over-just sayin!!!
The new ones were made for deep water fishing (Swiftsure in particular) and for 20 pound weights.
They come up slower with the heavier weights and less likely to break if the stops slip or are not set right.
For sure, they are way too quick if you are using 8 or 10's fishing 40 to 100'
Can you still get the old reliable ones we have been using for years?
I am a big fan of Scotty Downriggers!!!