Mounting downriggers on an inflatable boat


New Member
I've used downriggers for years on inflatable boats. In the past, I've done the usual trick of using a board to span both sides of the boat and mounting the downriggers to that. That all works fine.

I've been thinking of getting myself a new boat, and when I do so I wanted something better. Something that is easy to remove and mounts out of the way. But the mount needs to handle a Scotty electric downrigger - something like an 1101 or 1106. Today I came across these and thought they were neat:

I wanted to pass it along, but also what are people's thoughts if anything? I was talking to Swellfish today and it seems like a new product that they have been testing for a few years. What I like is that it is fully removable for when I want to do something else with the boat.

Does anyone have any other thoughts on mounting? Reading through the forums it looks like most have just used the same board setup as I have.
We attached 2 aluminum plates to the seat that overhang the gunnel tubes and mounted rod holders on them last year. The downrigger mounts are being put on this summer. This will work well for our lighter weight manual riggers....not sure if it would work for heavier Scotty electrics.

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We attached 2 aluminum plates to the seat that overhang the gunnel tubes and mounted rod holders on them last year. The downrigger mounts are being put on this summer. This will work well for our lighter weight manual riggers....not sure if it would work for heavier Scotty electrics.

That's an interesting idea... How do you find using the rods? Like taking them in and out and watching for the bite and still steering the boat?
That's an interesting idea... How do you find using the rods? Like taking them in and out and watching for the bite and still steering the boat?
It's a dinghy. It sucks! Plus I've spilled too many beverages to count. ;) But it's a two-seater so I can either have it aft with me while I steer or forward and get my son to do the heavy lifting. This year I'm putting in some PVC rod holders across the transom to get the rods and net out of the way when not in use, and a couple unobtrusive beverage holders under the seats and off to the sides to keep the mess to a minimum. This is our go-to fishing rig when we are out sailing so we're really trying to make it functional but minimalist at the same time. We put in a little fish finder last year and that's been the best upgrade so far.
It's a dinghy. It sucks! Plus I've spilled too many beverages to count. ;) But it's a two-seater so I can either have it aft with me while I steer or forward and get my son to do the heavy lifting.
I think it's all smallish boats, just not inflatables... But I totally get it. For me, there always seems to be something to trip over.

This year I'm putting in some PVC rod holders across the transom to get the rods and net out of the way when not in use, and a couple unobtrusive beverage holders under the seats and off to the sides to keep the mess to a minimum.
I've thought about doing the 3 tube rod holders off the transom to get the extra rods and such out of the way. Again, small boat problems. 🤣

This is our go-to fishing rig when we are out sailing so we're really trying to make it functional but minimalist at the same time. We put in a little fish finder last year and that's been the best upgrade so far.
That is awesome! Sailing around and still being able to troll for salmon and such must nice!

I've decided to pull the trigger on those downrigger mounts. They seem nice, and I like being able to put them anywhere I want, and not just at either side of my seat. Once I have it all mounted, I'll send some photos.
Hey there Damn Ugly,
Those mounting brackets look pretty nice. What did you space them up with?
I figure to use a 4x4 or so but ... heavy?
Waddya think of making them a bit wider to hold rod holders too?

I'm a 70 yr old just starting to get fishing ... again. 🙄
Oops! Those are rod holders you have. I just looked again.
I'm thinking of a plate wide enough to hold both rid holders and downriggers.
How did you fasten all this to the seat?
I've got my own ideas but, I'm an old nut and bolt mechanic so, pretty basic.
Oops! Those are rod holders you have. I just looked again.
I'm thinking of a plate wide enough to hold both rid holders and downriggers.
How did you fasten all this to the seat?
I've got my own ideas but, I'm an old nut and bolt mechanic so, pretty basic.
I only had the rod holders installed when this picture was taken, but the aluminum plates are large enough for me to add the downrigger mounts as well. I used two 2"x8" pieces on each side to give me 4" of clearance over the gunnels. I painted them in marine epoxy then glued and bolted them to the seat.
Curious how they work, I tried something similar but had just 3 glue on points of attachment and with 10lb balls in waves they were way too bouncy with all the flex in the tubes. I ended up making an aluminim plate that tied both sides together.
Curious how they work, I tried something similar but had just 3 glue on points of attachment and with 10lb balls in waves they were way too bouncy with all the flex in the tubes. I ended up making an aluminim plate that tied both sides together.
My tubes are 3.6 PSI and handling a 15 lbs ball just fine. I can see in really rough waters that I would get bouncy, but as it stands now it works really well - IMO.
I put this same mount onto my inflatable last year, with a Scotty 1101, typically run a #10 ball, has been great so far. I typically stick to inside sheltered waters and don’t go out in rough conditions. Was using a board/bench previously, this mount has really opened up some coveted space. Made a bit of a mess removing some existing attachments, meh, function over fashion.

Curious about your Pedestal Seat, how did you mount it? Bolts with nuts? how far do they extend? I’ve been concerned with bolts rubbing keel or bottom, so have hesitated with a pedestal seat. Noticed them on some Stryker inflatables and would really love the back support, I currently ride the tube.


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