New MPA, no fishing allowed.

I don't fish tuna, but how does this area directly impact sport fishing? I think that area is too far anyway. Is it even a commercial tuna spot?
That isn't why the MPA is now there. This MPA has been in the works for some time. I warned about the implementation of MPAs over 20 years ago. MPA's are part of the UN Agenda 21, 2030, 2050. As are all the land protected areas. ENGO's, and the current government have partnered with First Nation's in a co-management regime that I spoke about over 20 plus years ago. No body cared then, in fact I was told on here that it would never happen.
There's a UN Agenda 2050 now?
Well that sucks. I always wanted to fish the dellwood sea mount for tuna. Guys I'll have to turn the AIS off that next time. It really isn't that far offshore.
I read it again. Almost fell asleep. On surface it's seem OK, but reading further it points to doors of trouble with the minister moving forward. Have to wait an see.

I don't care about MPA but government really locked out our rec sector on the implementation of any of these.

Believe it or not Area 17 is on the map for marine park MPA. Not joking either. It hasn't been done but it isn't dead either. We have to get involved in these. Once there in that's it.

The problem is the liberals like to work in closed doors and are not doing this as a true roundtable process. You can't exclude sectors from something as big as these. It affects multiple sectors on the coast and general public.
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I read it again. Almost fell asleep. On surface it's seem OK, but reading further it points to doors of trouble with the minister moving forward. Have to wait an see.

I don't care about MPA but government really locked out our rec sector on the implementation of any of these.

Believe it or not Area 17 is on the map for marine park MPA. Not joking either. It hasn't been done but it isn't dead either. We have to get involved in these. Once there in that's it.

The problem is the liberals like to work in closed doors and are not doing this as a true roundtable process. You can't exclude sectors from something as big as these. It affects multiple sectors on the coast and general public.
Yes it is and it is one of the main ones that I warned about so many years ago...we all know how my news was accepted back then, so I don't know that I would worry my self to death about the future any longer. Work rest and play for today. Enjoy what you have now and wiggle around the changes like a comeleon in order to still have a good life. It is what it is and I just smile and wave now. Look at the brightest side of life always, crying about the past(once it is done) accomplished nothing but darkness. Stay in the light.

This message is not pointed towards anyone it is writen and presented in general terms in regard to the way I am now,
