New Marina in Sooke


Active Member
Looks like a new marina with a 300 boat capacity??? and quite likely a new ramp is headed towards construction for Butlers log sort.Just needs to be some dredging and upgrades to the already existing breakwater and some floats. I'm not sure who purchased it? West Coast ...??? Something or other. Great location, the run to Frew will be that much closer too.

E.T.A to OTTER = 5 minutes = GONG SHOW !!!
Alright! I was thinking how that site would be perfect, never considered Renny from there though, good point.
Isn't Butlers Log sort the one just North (or is it West) of Sooke towards Rennie? If so, great!! Count me in as one of the Gong Show hosts, haha. That does save quite a run from Sooke Harbour in my little tub. I usually just drag my boat down the bank at Gordons Beach, when weather permits. Might see you there as well Yote.

Seafood, it eat, then catch more.
That's awesome. I've been going on ever since logging shut down saying that would make an awesome marina.
I can hardly wait.
It should help to significantly reduce some of the weeekend parking issues at the other marinas if it goes through! It will be good for Sooke's economy as guys pass through, especially the way it's developing these days.
Is there any reliable information to the new marina or just hear say? Any new construction underway? or any signs of activity?
I just don't want to get overly excited about a new marina in that location . <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>
Where exactly is this Butlers log sort??? Do you have to drive past Otter point?? Or is it even past Sheringham point? How long of a drive is it from down town Sooke??
Rick, It is the tin shed, if you drive out past Sooke it's on the old log sort property of Butlers. It has a breakwater and deep water aready from before when they used to boom up logs. I have heard from quite a few guys that its going to happen, Who knows when? The sooner the better.

Are you doing another year at Cheanah ? Sound like we have to pay for a whole year just to keep our spot from last year? I was told Guys from Oak bay are snapping spots up? That parking lot is going to be stupid this year!
we are going to ran all winter long this year. We have moved to Sidney for the past few winters .It is going to be nuts out there though I hope the new marina happens soon.


Hey Maddog what's up with Oak Bay Moorage, is it going up ? Why are those guys on the move ? Is that confirmed about Cheanuh booking moorage for the year.

Tournament Proven !
I have been told by Richard and Tim that if i want my spot from last year or any at all i better pay for a whole year for my boat, as there are limmited spots for 23 feet.They said the Oak bay boys are snapping them up, I don't know why? My concern is having to park ten miles down the road every trip.Last year was bad enough. My father in law has a permanent trailer set up at pacific lions, i'm debating going there so i can just park at the trailer and walk 50 feet to the boat and then crash at the trailer.
Not only moorage, but charter fees are bringing Oak Bay & Pedder Bay boats up here too.It has been a problem for a few years now.They all find it a long trip from VIC.and they all fish Sooke.CHEANUH is close to the fish and in protective waters if you need to be.


I guess it's a sign of the times Rick,they all want a slice of the pie. Soon we'll tagging up side by side be like the commercial boys, jumping from boat to boat. lol. I guess i better pay up! See you on the Pond.
Have a look at the new Proposed RCA's (rockfish conservation areas)
Thats WHY ..They Are done! thats No finfishing Boys
AND thats why they are movin west..!!!Where Else?
Ps there are already two Lrg 50-60 Ft boats inside the Tin Shed!! Just happened
Cross your fingers and Toes!!

Have a look at the new Proposed RCA's (rockfish conservation areas)
Thats WHY ..They Are done! thats No finfishing Boys
AND thats why they are movin west..!!!Where Else?
Ps there are already two Lrg 50-60 Ft boats inside the Tin Shed!! Just happened
Cross your fingers and Toes!!

the proposed RCA'S don't affect Oak bay as much as they do Sooke.
the reason the oakbay boys are moving as there has not
been a decent summer fishery there in 4 years.

the proposed RCA'S don't affect Oak bay as much as they do Sooke.
the reason the oakbay boys are moving as there has not
been a decent summer fishery there in 4 years.

I live in Sooke.(4th generation actually)I'm a newbie to postin but i've been payin attention.I love halibut fishing. I call it 'church'of the rod and reel on saturday's....MUST attend .So if there is any local questions.Fire Away! PS can ipost a link to the RCA's proposed.

I live in Sooke.(4th generation actually)I'm a newbie to postin but i've been payin attention.I love halibut fishing. I call it 'church'of the rod and reel on saturday's....MUST attend .So if there is any local questions.Fire Away! PS can ipost a link to the RCA's proposed.
