so , spoke to someone that i actually understood this morning, she was actually very informative on alot of things ,
quite simple
1 -when a previous licensed vessel has been purchased , a copy of the vessel license , from the previous owner is required , a copy of the bill of sale of the vessel also , MUST be dated !!! MUST BE KEPT ON BOARD at all times
you have 90 days to re license it to the new owner , This should keep the fines away , she said this is strictly enforced..
she insists that you should have it within 3 weeks !!
2- New Vessel , If the boat is not pre-licensed from the dealer , You CANNOT operate the vessel until it is licensed , she said that
Dealers can get it done faster for you , somthing online i believe... didn't really apply to me , as ours was used...
Doesn't sound to bad , hope this helps
this link was very helpfull ,
there is a 1-800 number as well on here