Finding some conflicting info online and in various threads. I'm buying a 20-21' boat (private sale) with a main OB and a kicker on a trailer. There will be other items like chartplotter/fish finder and some fishing gear like rods and downriggers. I understand that the bill of sale should breakdown the total price into 1) boat and motor(s), 2) trailer and 3) accessories. From what I am seeing, EVERYTHING is subject to 12% tax so what is the purpose of splitting up the numbers? I thought the trailer tax was only 7% so you want to assign max value for it but it seems the trailer is also taxed at 12%. Used downriggers, fishing rods as well? When is tax paid on the accessories? Dumb when I can buy 2 downriggers off of marketplace and pay no tax.
Does ICBC still collect the tax on the boat as well or do they now only collect the tax on the trailer at the time of putting on insurance?
Is this the right process:
1) Separate the value for boat/motors, trailer, accessories. When I buy the boat package I get the trailer transferred to my name at an ICBC office so I can insure it and drive everything home. ICBC charges me 12% PST on the trailer value (which is broken down on the bill of sale) at the same time as I transfer it and put insurance on it.
2) I contact Transport Canada and have the boat licence registration number transferred into my name. At some point the BC gov will track me down to pay the tax on the boat and any accessories that came with the boat? They will pre determine the value and pre determine the tax payable? If their evaluation is greater than what I paid I show proof of purchase price with my bill of sale, they recalculate the tax due, and I pay it. What are the chances they value the boat less than what I paid? I assume zero...
So the only advantage of splitting the boat cost from the trailer cost is knowing the trailer cost lets me pay less up front (just the trailer 12%) and I pay the bulk of the taxes down the road once the Feds notify the BC gov and they send me a tax bill?
I read it can take 2 years+ for the BC gov to track me down to pay the provincial tax. What do I need for documentation on the boat in the event I'm stopped by DFO? Proof of the boat now licensed/registered to me and the bill of sale? I can't obviously show the provincial tax has been paid if I'm waiting around for the tax bill to arrive in the mail.
Thanks tons, I just want to get this all right before I pay and pick up the boat.
Does ICBC still collect the tax on the boat as well or do they now only collect the tax on the trailer at the time of putting on insurance?
Is this the right process:
1) Separate the value for boat/motors, trailer, accessories. When I buy the boat package I get the trailer transferred to my name at an ICBC office so I can insure it and drive everything home. ICBC charges me 12% PST on the trailer value (which is broken down on the bill of sale) at the same time as I transfer it and put insurance on it.
2) I contact Transport Canada and have the boat licence registration number transferred into my name. At some point the BC gov will track me down to pay the tax on the boat and any accessories that came with the boat? They will pre determine the value and pre determine the tax payable? If their evaluation is greater than what I paid I show proof of purchase price with my bill of sale, they recalculate the tax due, and I pay it. What are the chances they value the boat less than what I paid? I assume zero...
So the only advantage of splitting the boat cost from the trailer cost is knowing the trailer cost lets me pay less up front (just the trailer 12%) and I pay the bulk of the taxes down the road once the Feds notify the BC gov and they send me a tax bill?
I read it can take 2 years+ for the BC gov to track me down to pay the provincial tax. What do I need for documentation on the boat in the event I'm stopped by DFO? Proof of the boat now licensed/registered to me and the bill of sale? I can't obviously show the provincial tax has been paid if I'm waiting around for the tax bill to arrive in the mail.
Thanks tons, I just want to get this all right before I pay and pick up the boat.