Need to clarify current taxes for a used boat, trailer and gear.

lol why do I pay 50% income tax ???, hey you do what floats your boat, I know if I need an insurance claim my s…. Is in order, do I think that paying tax on used good is gestapo, god dam right i do, i just paid 10k in tax on a used truck
I think the odds of getting caught not paying taxes on a boat are a little better than not paying income tax.. I'll risk getting the $250 fine
lol why do I pay 50% income tax ???, hey you do what floats your boat, I know if I need an insurance claim my s…. Is in order, do I think that paying tax on used good is gestapo, god dam right i do, i just paid 10k in tax on a used truck
I have insured plenty of boats before registering for a pleasure craft license for the boat. I just registered my current boat this winter and I’ve had surveys and insurance for the last 6 years on it. I’m risking getting a fine doing this , not risking my insurance.
I have insured plenty of boats before registering for a pleasure craft license for the boat. I just registered my current boat this winter and I’ve had surveys and insurance for the last 6 years on it. I’m risking getting a fine doing this , not risking my insurance.
Did you have any claims ?, again I guess I am different lol. I pay the tax, not because I like it,play stupid games get stupid results
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A couple things with some comments from above.
DFO is responsible for fisheries management and related regulations, including vessel registration for commercial fishing vessels. They don't check registration for pleasure craft. I have never been asked from DFO for registration papers from DFO and a DFO acquaintance confirmed the same.
Anybody can insure any boat even if they don't own it. Boat trailers are different as they are 'on the road' and done through ICBC.
Only RCMP or Coast Guard check for ownership papers on pleasure craft vessels.
Thanks for the clarification as to who can check for ownership and that taxes have been paid. I know of many posts on BC fishing forums where that paperwork was needed to be shown and I assumed it would be with DFO checks.
Thanks for the clarification as to who can check for ownership and that taxes have been paid. I know of many posts on BC fishing forums where that paperwork was needed to be shown and I assumed it would be with DFO checks.
transport canada, rcmp can check either kind of registration... sometimes they ride with the coast guard. dfo is fish enforcement, coast guard is safety..
quite often they do a sweep with a rep from each, on the same boat. reel fun that is.

have a copy of your original bill of sale onboard as well as the registration,, the one that clearly states "this is not a title document. lol
When I bought my boat privately, I had 1 bill made up for the hull, 1 for the motors and 1 for the trailer. I registered it under my name and clicked the box that said don’t pay the tax on it right now. It took the government 3 and a half years to send me 3 different letters saying I owed taxes on the boat. They stated that the 4th letter will come with a bill saying I owe X amount if I don’t go in sooner with my bill and pay it off. 4th letter arrived and they said my boat was worth 60% of what I had the bill for. Their blue book numbers are so screwed up. I paid their bill and saved a few thousand $$$. I also had full insurance throughout that whole time.
There is a way to do this
You have 90 days to register the boat from the date on the bill of sale.
Just make up a new bill of sale when needed
Not saying it’s right
I know someone who as been doing this for more than ten years and has never been asked for it, and no it’s not me