Need Bass locations now

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Northern Manitoban

Hey guys I'm here on the Island my old stomping grounds I'm here for another week or so and If I get the chance I want to get out for some shore fishing so I'm guessing Bass is my best bet. Whats happening out at Elk and Beaver lake for Bass these days. Whats the hot bait to use off shore and area's thanks alot. I'm out in Sidney so its not far to go. Shawnigan isn't an option. NM
I'm betting topwater mostly. Isn't Elk and Beaver filled with that bottom slime this time of year? And how about Langford lake or Prospect? Hear they have been producing.
I have found it slow at Shawnigan and Quennell this August. Even early in the morning, the feeders seem to be deeper than I remember.
Thanks Eric for the reply. Anymore biters out there? wow I drove by Elk lake and holy crap middle of the day I would have to be dodging allot of boats swimmers you name it that looks ugly out there not like what it was when i was a kid. Suprised nobody has been hurt out there yet. I remember when float planes used to land there <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle> NM