Nanaimo pig!!

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Heard from the boys there was a 31 lb. spring taken at the fingers this morning.. Wow.. Great fish for early March.-dirty
The skeens were getting ripe, spring run Harrison fish presumably.. Hope to see a few more.-dirty
quote:Originally posted by Dirtdog67

The skeens were getting ripe, spring run Harrison fish presumably.. Hope to see a few more.-dirty

Hmmmm....unlikely a Harrison fish. More likely an upper Fraser Spring.
quote:Originally posted by Mortician

quote:Originally posted by Dirtdog67

The skeens were getting ripe, spring run Harrison fish presumably.. Hope to see a few more.-dirty

Hmmmm....unlikely a Harrison fish. More likely an upper Fraser Spring.

If the skeins are near ripe, I would say harrison over upper fraser. But, it could be going ANYWHERE!!! Maybe down to the US?
Harrison or Alloette(pardon la francais), only from my experiences returning these whites in on the tagging program..:)-dirty
Theres a few bigger fish around nanaimo area right now. There was also 2 other fish in the low 20's caught by french creek yesterday.
Hey Brad, just fishing the inside with the pals right now. Should be starting on the west side closer to the end of may.. All depends on the bookings I guess.. Hope all is well for you, I here you are looking for a guide..cheers-dirty
are these the fish the area 19 chinook slot size/closure is supposed to prevent us from keeping?

heck, lets shut down the inside instead!
likwit, go fish vic. if your so worried about them.. You won't feel so bad letting one like that go.

Hey Brad, gimme a shout 250 618 8335
sorry but i love how someone always has to try and shoot down a guy that catches a hog. [}:)]
i mean come on, i would have a hard time believing that anyone would have released it if they had been the one that caught it and it was legal to keep, specially being the saltchuck......
Here's the photo.

Humor taken lik, gettin so sick of the miss management and trying to protect one run... Nevermind the countless others that would require a little more of a response..-cheers dirty:D