My impressions from the Halibut derby

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Well I just got back from the derby and I'd like to thank the organizers very much for a great event. Kevin, Roy, Jim and others who I can't remember did a super job of coming up with outstanding prizes, a great weigh in location and the Legion turned out perfect for the before and after parties.
Now to the good stuff.
Absolutely great weather
2, YES 2 Hali's were weighed in at the derby.
A 70lb won it, followed by a 17lb.
Congrats to Tips Up for skippering the boat that won the cash.
It was finally good to put some names to faces from the site.
Hopefully this derby will grow in upcoming years.
I look forward to the next one.

Cu on the pond
PS See, I'm really not that bad
PPS Noggin take your hat off<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
The fishbc hat was off as i had the honor of wearing it through the FOX pub!!!!!

Last post as Vinnie!!!!!

Edited by - vince gee on 03/25/2006 17:33:25
Hats off to Roy and Kevin for a great 1st hali derby.Also congratulations to Tipsup and his crew and to the Tailout boys for catching the 2 winning fish. Thanks again to Chris and Rick from TailOut Charters I had a great day on the water.

Ironoggin take you hat off!!!!!

Edited by - casper5280 on 03/25/2006 18:07:09
Was a fun couple of days, for sure. Dare I say, hat's off to this event? <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>
Well I must say it was a blast!!! It was great to meet everyone and put faces to names. You guys are great bunch and I know it would be a great day fishing with anyone of you. I would like to thank my Awesome Skipper Wolf (who I finally met for the first time)for an incredible day on the water and for your awesome hospitality. I learned many things about hali fishing, boating, anchoring, and the fishing sport in general I must say it was a fantastic expierence that will not soon be forgotten. You have a nice ride Roy well appointed and cuts the water like a knife. I would also like to thank all those that donated prizes as there were many a formal list will be posted next week. Thanks to Kildonan for setting up the Leigon for the get togethers that was awesome. Congrats Tips Up and Tail Out crew great job on catching hali's. Tips Up that was one nice 70lb hali you and your crew brought in to win the derby. Thanks everyone it
was a true pleasure to see this event work out so well. Thanks again Wolf for all your effort you put in to this you did a awesome job.

Cheers ME
Sorry I missed this one, but prior commitments prevented me from coming down this time. Sounds like it was a good time.
From someone who wasn't there, thanks to all who set this up.

Would like to thank Roy Kev and jim for setting the derby up.It was a lot of fun.Good to meet every one.

