Moorage in the Sooke Area

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bravefart
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Any recomendations for mooring a boat in the Sooke area.

Good fishing area would be nice.

Be heading over there next weekend (May 6) for a look around.

I use sunny shores it is the only place to get marine gas also dont have to worry about low tides
I keep my boat at Sooke Harbour Marina.It is all the way through Sooke out the other side. Wolf is right in that Sunny Shores is a much better ramp at low tides (the Sooke Harbour Marina one is a genuine Pita) but if you plan to keep your boat at the marina and not trailer it, then the ramp shouldn't make a difference. The reason I like Sooke Harbour is it is closer to the mouth of Sooke Basin thus cutting down the amount of time coming in and out of the harbour, especially when it is socked in.(It often is, in the summertime.) I know they still have space left as I went and booked just last weekend. There is a new marina right next to Sooke Harbour Marina that you might try as well, but I can't recall the name. You'll see it when you get there.
T yes it is closer but from sunny shores it takes me 6 mins to get to the harbour mouth and i bet it takes you 10 to 15 just to get to sooke marina trying to go through all that town traffic especially since the have 3 traffic lights now LOL and the worst part is carrying down jerry cans of gas and as you know they pack the boats in there pretty tight used to use it but way too much hassle and dont get me going on parking LOL i find it way simplier at S.S. especially gas

T yes it is closer but from sunny shores it takes me 6 mins to get to the harbour mouth and i bet it takes you 10 to 15 just to get to sooke marina trying to go through all that town traffic especially since the have 3 traffic lights now LOL and the worst part is carrying down jerry cans of gas and as you know they pack the boats in there pretty tight used to use it but way too much hassle and dont get me going on parking LOL i find it way simplier at S.S. especially gas

This is the first season I will be keeping my boat there the whole time, so you could be right about packing the gas down. 'Course, my boat is not as big as yours so I won't have to do it as much. You should have got some of your clients to pack it for you--you have to train them right!<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>
Thanks Guys

I have visited both marinas over the years.

You both have valid points, I have only been in and out of the Sunny Shore a couple of times. First time going into the Sooke Basin through the channel was intimidating all you could see were rocks under the keel.

Couple of questions

Do you leave your boats in the water or the parking lot?

How secure are the marinas?

What are there rates?


At Sooke Harbour as of June 1 I will be paying $125 a month for a 17 1/2 ft Double Eagle, tied up to the dock. Security can be a concern but i don't leave my downriggers attached to my boat. Btw, I dropped my boat in the water yesterday and tied it up--don't bother with the dock next to Sooke Harbour--it was low tide and there is no way anyone was launching at that marina--right in the mud.
thats why S.S. is better no problem at all in low tide
Well i timed it today took me exactly 5 mins and 45 seconds from the red marker in the basin to get to sunny shores and i did in fact leave on the lowest tide and watched a 26 ft boat lauch with ease.
Then filled up the tank it was very hard to hold the nozzle but not as hard as the people that have to carry jerry cans of gas to the boat at the other marina and i can imagine the amount of fuel spilled there bet you over the summer you could fill up a boat the amount that is spilled there.

both places has its downfalls but you make your own decisions on what is important to you !!!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
You make it sound as if its hard to navigate that run especially with the global mapping systems most people have also it is all bouyed so if you have any training in boat navigation you really shouldnt have a problem as with anything maybe if someone shows you the way it will become alot easier.

Remember the first time using a boat it was a lot of trial and error too until you got used to it!!!!!!!!!!

Or you could just launch/moor, at Cheanah and be fishing church/Beechy with gear in the water in less than 10 minutes from the dock. No need to flash up the twins for that one. Only 20 minutes to Otter...Church to Aldridge is almost always fog free if she's socked in around the corner...And Hali is always a option, without running to JR. And 384$ for six months for a 23' er. But what do i Know ???<img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle> Again, Just my Oppinion...
Cheanah to trap is the same distance there maddog give or take a few 100 yds and when the westerly is blowing it will take you longer to trap from sooke it is a bit shorter but on the way back home can be rough see both places have advantages 20 mins to otter from cheanah ok?????????????
Anyways all marinas have a place it is up to the individual as stated here I have seen guys from sooke harbour stuck in the mud several times too it all comes with knowing the area.

I was at sooke harbour dropping off guests the other day boy talk out tight ramp especially with some of the boats with there kickers sticking out, and some of the boats with pods on them.

Aslo heard that that marina WILL NOT be there next year developers are in the last steps to closing it and putting up condos and they may make a private marina its all in the lawyers hands now.

Ill be back in 3 weeks i am heading up to knights for a little working vacation I here the crown royal calling my name LOL
wish you all good fishing till then.

WOLF OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well said Dog !! It's 25 mins too Otter from Cheanuh, timed it twice on the weekend. If Elio keeps his boat at Cheanuh, it's good enough for me. DIRTY DANCING - CLASSIFIED !!!

Tournament Proven !
All I know is, my dad did a dry launch at SS when I was a kid and since, I've been too scared to go Otherwise I unload at SH if I go Bluffs-West and Cheanah if the fish are Possession Pt. - East. If all else fails....PR.
To Otter Point 5.5 9.9 12.3

5.5 9.9 7.9

It's good to have friends.
It's better to have friends with boats.
I did'nt think it was much more than 20 minutes...Anyhow now that my ears are perked, i might even punch in some numbers on my way out to otter in the morning. Had our limit in less than two hours off the Trap today...Nothing big though! I know of a 44 and a 38 that came in as well