Minimum Boat Requirements For Tuna Fishing 30 plus miles off shore

Most Oceanic Underwrtiers policies I've seen are 20 miles off Vancouver Island. I'm sure you can buy anything, but, I'd check closely because help 60 miles off shore diminishes rapidly and I suspect policies are written considering risk associated with emergency support services.
I really went over the policy best I could and I found no differences in regards to distance. Every year when I renew I specifically speak about this item with the representative to make sure. He explained to me that the reason they are insuring at such distance is there are never any claims of loss due to the distance or at that distance. Claims off shore are actually rare IMO. BUT if things start to happen out there no doubt the polices will change. This is another reason to say that if an individual is out there with an inadequate vessel they are putting others at risk of changes to polices and regulations.
I am no insurance expert thats for certain so I am open to being corrected.
There are all kinds of policies with many different stipulations. Mine for instance requires me to file a float plan and pay a small fee if travelling beyond the boundries (which is 50 miles from the nearest land mass). Some policies state distances from ports or safe haven. Another thing to consider about insurance is weather or not your policy is valid in the United States. If you have a look at your charts, both Juan de Fuca and Nitinat Canyons are south of the border (and about 30-40 miles from land). I fished both during the shootout last season (with little sucess I might add), but they are definately areas of interest for tuna fishermen.
a couple of thoughts. REELFAST has a 60 degree entry angle and a 20 degree dead rise at the transom. but, she also has a full length negative chine. this hull was really designed for blue water and the chine negates some of the roll when we are drifting. the chine also helps jump her out of the water quite quickly. the LOA is about 32' with the engine bracket. being all aluminum, i am running twin 150s and still capable of 55mph.

check your EPIRB registration online. you will note an 'other' box. you can use that to file a float plan each and everytime you head out. if that EPIRB is triggered, it might just help them decide that you are not a false alarm but instead a person in real need of assistance.

going that far offshore may also suggest you have a sat phone and a vessel life raft onboard. this is not to be taken lightly and is certainly full of risk potential.