miniature chemical lights

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I would like to know what you think...
I have been considering using miniature chemical lights in hootchies when trolling for those deep springs. The size seem alright and I think they would fit right inside a hootchie. As anyone ever tried it? Have you heard of it? I think also a chemical light near the flasher might also act as an attraction...
Any ideas?
Tks for the tip. That tape would be great on old flashers. Those mini chem.lights are available from Australia in quantities of 100 for around $18.00 inc shipping (Ebay) The size 4.5x35mm,each light can last 8hrs+, and has a visible distance of 15 mtrs. That visible distance is the real bonus I think that in deep water, those chem lights should be so much more visible than than the glow tape...I think that i'll get both. Tape for flasher and lights for hoochies.
"I think that in deep water, those chem lights should be so much more visible than than the glow tape"
Nope-you have never seen anything like that tape-it's unreal how it takes on a charge and glows for hours and hours.
And of course it only needs more light to recharge never wears out.
About 20 years ago, as young teenagers we were fishing Whirl Bay for winter springs. My friend who we invited to come fishing on our boat pulls out these chemical lights (glow sticks) and attached them to his line above his bait...! We all looked at each other and started laughing our heads off! We started fishing... he ended up catching all the fish that day! He out fished us all.. ! I've witnessed it.. they do work!
Yup, that is what I thought... Thanks, I am convinced that chem light will work. I'll try it this summer and let you know how it turned out...
Has anyone tried miniture strobe type light? I have an old lure that has mercury in it and when it moves back and forth it flashes. It's about 40 years old and I'm sure due to the mercury it is no longer made. But it seems like I have seem a strobe type light that was sold in the past.

Joey B.
Update to last post

go to Marine Catalogue

bottom left

Thanks for the info. FYI, the catalogue page/link seems to be down right now. I called Luna and they said the revamped new catalogue should be out within the next couple of weeks so they have taken the link down until the new one is out. They were very nice and are e-mailing me the marine catalogue. If anyone else wants to call them, call 888-955-8883 ext 233. Speak to Shannon.
you can get those little glow lights from like sanfransico or dollar store for 50cents a pack

To fish or not to fish,
What a stupid question!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and he will sit on a boat drinking beer for a life time :D
TGIF =Thank God It Floats