2001 Ciera 2858 Flybridge Podding Project with twin Yamaha 250's

FYI - to get the grime out of the fiberglass one thing you can try is mix up a 5 gallon bucket of oxi-clean with hot water. Spray it all over the bilge and dump the rest of the bucket into the bilge and let it soak for a few hours. Once it has soaked, get in there with a brush - then rinse it all out. Scrub the deck with it as well.

Its astonishing what that stuff will lift out (you don't even need to really scrub, just wipe). I realize this sounds like some Billy Mays infomercial - but its pretty surprising.

We have a ski boat in the okanagan, and the warm lake water really stains the hull green (made worse because its on a boat lift, so constant wet/dry). We basically gave up trying to clean the green staining off a few years ago until I discovered the oxi-clean treatment, which lifted a few years of grime off in one shot. I know they also make an oxi-clean bathroom cleaner spray, which is even stronger and can also be used (in a well ventilated space - this stuff stinks). Oxi-clean by itself is nice because it is non toxic (unlike bleach or other cleaners).
This stuff works awesome from boatlife https://a.co/d/fkRj5lK
I got buddies that never clean their coffee mug. They would divorce if their wives got rid of the black residue inside their mug. I just learnt that this was a thing this summer lol
Me staff at the office are given the coffee orientation early, didn't clean the Skipper's mug.
Rinsing is allowable.
Been a minute! But got a chance to do some more prep work on the project! Hope y’all had a great holidays so far and Happy New Years! I wish I was fishing for winters in this amazing year it sounds like! Disgusting old carpets out! Time to do some belt sanding and get the Vinylw flooring in! Pulled all the interior seats out as well to get re ulphostered. And swim grid out. I rather be fishing for therapeutic sessions. But this has its own satisfaction. IMG_2375.jpegIMG_2380.jpegIMG_2373.jpegIMG_2209.jpegIMG_2211.jpeg
Any updates, curious to see how this boat works out
Haven’t been able to do much because holidays has busy and it’s been really cold. Here is the progress of flooring so far, decided to go with HDS 12 as my 3rd screen. Also playing around how I could plumb & mount my 125L Calcutta as a fish box with a pump out like a fish box from my cooler. Trying to keep enough room to add a 200-300L auxiliary fuel tank as well. I got about 1.5 months before I have to delivery it to Sooke where the fun begins with the POD work.
