• Thread starter Thread starter Betty Boop
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Hum, it occurs to me that if the Sport fishing Guide Boats are exempted from paying this; Wolf may very well have a point concerning a breach of confidential information to a private contractor. If you are certain that all</u> Fishing Boats are exempt you may want to bring this to the attention of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
I think your hung up on the word fishing vessel or boat it is meant for commercial boat. do you guys have a cfv number. do you guys have a red and white light on your mast when your lines are out. if you have a cfv number then it must be on both sides and roof visual by air. don't get me wrong I think the fee is bogus. and don't think you guys never call for help as wolf said I do remember that little incident up in quatsino or winter harbour this summer where the guide went out in a gale warning and look what happened, Smart real smart
Still think its a scam, no one a CG, DFO or TC can find out a thing about it. Also not able to get a hold of anyone with the alleged airport service. Advised not to pay by all three agencies at this point.

Kim with TC marine safety program in Kelowna has been inundated with calls about this.

This fee is not really designated for rescue, what does the Brooks incident have to do with it?
Good to hear!!!
Spring time what the hell does this have to do with the poor souls who lost there lives it happened so did the ol guy in port alberni when you go out on the water no matter what the conditions accidents happen. You cant teach poor judgement!!!!!!Ill say Im sorry now if im coming off strongly but with everything that we have all have to do to make a living my patience is starting to get a little thin...

Had guys go out this year after I came in because it was getting rough bet you it was 3fters by the time I reached the harbour, and the wind wasnt too bad yet by the time these 3 clowns launched the boat at JOCKS the wind had doubled and they were going out in a 12 ft zodiac told them "hey guys I came in a hour ago or so and its going to be way rough now especially with the ebb kicking in"

You know what these yahoos said its ok we got survival suits!!!!!!

I said to myself yep got to have statistics.......those are the ones constantlly calling on the radio its almost 3 to 4 times a week if not more I hear people calling for help on the radio and it is NOT by us guides....

Point is MOST guides wont go out in that kind of conditions because we dont want to beat our clients up WE want them to come back year after year...

wolf it means it happens to all of us your quote in the one of your post was "when is the last time you seen a charter guy radio for help " just pointing out something you quote it happens ok then, whens the last time you heard a commercial boat radio for help. it happens to all sectors again don't get me wrong I don't thinks is fair. there is way way more pleasure boats than guide boat just a though. don't shoot a guy with a different opinion
Yes I understand and I did say sorry before I went on a rant and again sorry Im just frustrated....

Marine Navigation Services Fee (MNSF). This fee - has nothing at all to do with safety or any Search and Rescue costs. This fee is being charged strictly to recoup Canada’s expenses for:
(a) services for the safe, economical and efficient movement of ships in Canadian waters through the provision of
(i) aids to navigation systems and services,
(ii) marine communications and traffic management services,
(iii) ice breaking and ice management services, and
(iv) channel maintenance;

User Fee: Marine Navigation Services Fee
Description: Intended to recover a portion of the full costs incurred by CCG to provide marine navigation services to commercial vessels. Services provided include short-range aids to navigation and vessel traffic services.
Fee Type: O
Fee-setting Authority: Section 47 of the Oceans Act
Date Last Modified: 2005
($ thousands) 2008-09 Planning Years
Forecast Revenue 27,617
Actual Revenue 31,106
Forecast Revenue
2009-10 27,617
2010-11 27,617
2011-12 27,817

External Fees
On November 29, 2004, Treasury Board Ministers approved the Policy on Service Standards for External Fees. The Policy requires departments to report on the status of service standards for all external fees charged on a non-contractual basis. DFO has established service standards for the following external fees:
Maintenance Dredging Services Tonnage Fee;
Marine Navigation Services Fee;
Icebreaking Services Fee;
Marine Communication and Traffic Services — Canadian Coast Guard Radio Communications Charges;
Hydrography — Sale of charts and publications; and
Fees charged for processing of access requests under the Access to Information Act.

DFO also collects external charging revenues through contractual arrangements that fall under the purview of separate federal governance instruments. The revenue information associated with these revenue arrangements continues to be reported in the tables on respendable and non-respendable revenues.

Marine Navigation Services Fee

Service Standard (1)
Short Range Aids to Navigation identified as required to support commercial shipping in Canadian waters are operational not less than 99% of the time in accordance with established levels of service.
Performance Results (2)
Short Range Aids to Navigation identified as required to support commercial shipping in Canadian waters were operational not less than 99% of the time in accordance with established levels of service.
Stakeholder Consultation
The current Marine Navigation Services Fee's rates and application were developed in co-operation with the commercial shipping industry in 1998.

Service Standard (1)
All vessel traffic services identified as required to support commercial shipping in Canadian waters are available from the Canadian Coast Guard's Marine Communication and Traffic Services Centres in accordance with established levels of service.
Performance Results (2)
All vessel traffic services identified as required to support commercial shipping in Canadian waters were available not less than 97% of the time in accordance with established levels of service.
Stakeholder Consultation
The current Marine Navigation Services Fee's rates and application were developed in co-operation with the commercial shipping industry in 1998.

(1) As established pursuant to the Policy on Service Standards for External Fees: service standards may not have received parliamentary review; and may not respect all performance standard establishment requirements under the User Fees Act (e.g. international comparison; independent complaint address).

(2) Performance results are not legally subject to section 5.1 of the User Fees Act regarding fee reductions for unachieved performance.

Other Information
Canadian Coast Guard Fees: Canadian Coast Guard is conducting a review of Levels of Service (LOS) to validate the LOS and service standards provided. Clients will be closely engaged in this process. The scope of the LOS covers all main CCG activities for which LOS are appropriate, regardless of whether there are external charges associated with them.

Access Fees: Commercial fishing licence fees and recreational fishing licence fees identified in the User Fees Table under Fisheries Management are not reflected in the External Fees Table, as reflect the value of the privilege/benefit of access to a valuable natural resource owned by all Canadians. Decisions that could come out of DFO's Fisheries Renewal initiative and Commercial Fishing Licence Fee Review could inform what future role and links should be made between access fees and service standards. The Pacific Salmon Conservation Stamp also has an access element, but is primarily designed to support salmon restoration and enhancement initiatives. The Sport Fishing Advisory Board of BC supports the licence and salmon stamp fees.

The MNSF was designed to recover a portion of the total costs incurred by the CCG in providing marine navigation services by the people using those services. It is currently being charged to all “commercial” ships, except the users noted. Please note the term “commercial ships”? IAW the Oceans Act (1996, c. 31). If you don’t think they can legally charge and collect this (through collection agencies), just click “fees” at the following link and start reading sections 47, 48, 49, and 50. By your laws, they very well can charge this “fee” – to EVERYONE who uses those services, including ME.

Now, if you really want to look at something interesting and further complicate things… start reading your: User Fees Act (2004, c. 6)

Yep, the Marine Navigation Service Fee is, being currently charged to the “commercial” sector (since 199? – or whatever). However, that current charge being assessed to the “commercial” sector, just might have a problem passing the requirements outlined in the User Fees Act (2004). Is there a valid complaint there? Just might be!

This fee is NOT governed by Transport Canada (TC) and NO definitions in TC currently apply, it is governed by Fisheries and Oceans! Any definition, rules, or requirements falling under TC do NOT apply to the administration of this fee, unless/until DFO uses TC as a reference for qualifying who this fee will apply to, which they will probably end up doing to get the “commercials” screaming about it "not being IAW the User Fees Act" – off their back. The commercials are currently simply saying – under the User Fees Act, if we pay… all users should pay! What do you think is eventually going to happen there?

Right now… if you are a “commercial” guide, with a “C” number, and don’t qualify as a “fishing vessel” (which in my opinion you should under definition by the CCG and DFO - NOT TC), YOU WILL BE PAYING THAT FEE!
The basic premise of this tax/user fee is flawed. All governments are always short of funds but have no problems prioritizing available funds to meet their agenda and provide rewards for their supporters. Perhaps if DFO did not waste our tax dollars on things like research to reduce the costs for fish farm corporations and reduced their Ottawa staffing levels and prioritized there staffing and budget for coastal operations, they would have more than sufficient funds for maintaining marine navigation markers. What is the difference between this and provincial and municipal governments deciding to send a $200.00 bill to some owners of cars and trucks used for commercial purposes to help maintain stop signs and lights. The guides will be happy if they get a bill because they use their truck to tow their boat, and after all, these governments are also always short of funds. This tax as it applies to sport fishing and small time guides should be gone period, yet this tax apparently does exist and is applied in a biased and unfair manner. How can our Federal Government possibly tax the east coast differently than the west coast for the same purpose? Do their MP’s do a better job of representing their constituents than ours? How can Ottawa possible justify body slamming a part time guide for $200.00 who in some cases will be lucky to make a few hundred dollars a year after expenses, while apparently letting the millionaire owners of commercial fishing fleets completely off the hook?
hey Guys , If you really want to do anything about this new "fee" you need to write your MP. Sounds lame , but it works!

Here is a email list of our B.C. members of Paliament. take 30 seconds and tell them about all the b.s small commercial operators have been through in the last year. This new "user fee" is unfair and punishes legitimate businesses.

Member of Parliament Email Constituency Caucus
Abbott, Jim (Hon.) Kootenay—Columbia Conservative
Atamanenko, Alex British Columbia Southern Interior NDP
Cadman, Dona Surrey North Conservative
Cannan, Ron Kelowna—Lake Country Conservative
Crowder, Jean Nanaimo—Cowichan NDP
Cullen, Nathan Skeena—Bulkley Valley NDP
Cummins, John Delta—Richmond East Conservative
Davies, Don Vancouver Kingsway NDP
Davies, Libby Vancouver East NDP
Day, Stockwell (Hon.) Okanagan—Coquihalla Conservative
Dhaliwal, Sukh Newton—North Delta Liberal
Donnelly, Fin n/a New Westminster—Coquitlam NDP
Dosanjh, Ujjal (Hon.) Vancouver South Liberal
Duncan, John Vancouver Island North Conservative
Fast, Ed Abbotsford Conservative
Fry, Hedy (Hon.) Vancouver Centre Liberal
Grewal, Nina Fleetwood—Port Kells Conservative
Harris, Richard M. Cariboo—Prince George Conservative
Hiebert, Russ South Surrey—White Rock—Cloverdale Conservative
Hill, Jay (Hon.) Prince George—Peace River Conservative
Julian, Peter Burnaby—New Westminster NDP
Kamp, Randy Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge—Mission Conservative
Lunn, Gary (Hon.) Saanich—Gulf Islands Conservative
Lunney, James Nanaimo—Alberni Conservative
Martin, Keith (Hon.) Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca Liberal
Mayes, Colin Okanagan—Shuswap Conservative
McLeod, Cathy Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo Conservative
Moore, James (Hon.) Port Moody—Westwood—Port Coquitlam Conservative
Murray, Joyce Vancouver Quadra Liberal
Savoie, Denise Victoria NDP
Saxton, Andrew North Vancouver Conservative
Siksay, Bill Burnaby—Douglas NDP
Strahl, Chuck (Hon.) Chilliwack—Fraser Canyon Conservative
Warawa, Mark Langley Conservative
Weston, John West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country Conservative
Wong, Alice Richmond Conservative
I guess your ok with paying a fee from your 6 or 7 figure guide income, while at the same time subsidizing your by the pound counterparts. As my guide income is not in the 6 to 7 figure range I'm finding it a problem that I pay while commercial guys in that income bracket pay nothing. They are up and down the coast, out at sea overnight and use the services of the CCG far more than us coastal day trippers. A fee going into general revenue, applied unfairly and with no means of ensuring that everyone pays...sorry but my foot is down on this one...not paying.
Hey QUICKSILVER looks like your an easy target, watch for the invoice that I send you for the air that you breath. [}:)]
I have not received an invoice... yet. I did however check the fishing vessel box when I was applying for my C#. Mainly because there was no box for guiding. What did you guys check?

Chromatose Charters