March 31st - Social Distancing Fishing Derby?!

Rain City

Crew Member
Wind is looking great. Hopefully rain holds off. One guy per boat or members of your household only. Maybe we keep the area tight like South Bowen to the hump to keep it social! Cash prize? Anyone interested?
Nobody eh? Well looks like I'll be winning $100 bucks from myself.
I would be down for it later in the week say Thursday or friday. Have to sea trial this week and fill the tanks this would be awesome. I'm gonna go fishing that day regardles. Enough of this **** on shore.

Duh march 31st end of 2019 licenses...I'm gonna try and make this happen.
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You're going to win one of these.
I would be down for it later in the week say Thursday or friday. Have to sea trial this week and fill the tanks this would be awesome. I'm gonna go fishing that day regardles. Enough of this **** on shore.
Salmon shuts down April 1st
Salmon shuts down April 1st
Yeah I clued in. Not suggesting anyone bend the rules in anyway, nope not doing that no way no how...based on how people are crushing speed limits you could likely go mooching under the granville street bridge and you'll not be bothered haha