Looking to buy Sea Sport 2700

Sir Reel

Well-Known Member
I am looking at purchasing a Sea Sport 2700 Navigator with Volvo KAD44 diesel and duoprop drive. Will be used for fishing and cruising around Vancouver Island.
See lots of them around on the fishing grounds and they always look good and seem to have a good reputation.
Does anyone have an opinion on the boat and/or the Volvo Diesel? Would like to hear from any owners and their thoughts.

Thanks in Advance!

I have the Volvo 43 and same drive in my boat. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a 40 series diesel again but its a good idea to put together a preventative maintenance program before little things start giving you trouble. The belt and pulley system is finneky and will give you trouble if you don't take care of it. the Volvo duopro drives are known to be virtually bulletproof and I have had no troubles. the props are quite expensive however so keep them in good shape.

feel free to pm me if you have any direct questions

I own a 22 Seapsort and have one observation. The newer models are all 8'6" beam so they are legal to trailer without permits. I know my older 22 at 8" beam is somewhat finicky to weight transfer while up on plane....a 27 foot at 8'6" and with more high center of gravity cabin work will be even more sensitive. I would take it for a run and put it through a vigorous sea trail in some rough water with a load similar to which you would have on board. It ay not be an issue but I have had mine for 21 years and have a good feel for their good and bad characteristics. I've only been in a 27 footer once and the water was flat so no help to you.
Thanks for the input guys. Looking at the 2400 Explorer now. Little less cabin space but a whole lot less money.
Took the boat out for a sea trial yesterday. You are right Profisher about the finicky trim tabs. Took a bit to get used too. Sure ran nice though. good power and got up on plane quick. The Mechanic I brought along was very impressed and only a few minor maintenance issues. We are doing an oil analysis so that will tell us a lot more.
Biggest concern is the trailer. Is a triple axle and will have to get the brakes and bearings checked. Is a US boat so will have to upgrade to Electric over Hydraulic too.
There are two SeaSports close by at my marina. One is a 2200 with an OB, and the second a 2400 with a Volvo Diesel I/O. In this boat, I'd go with the OB over the I/O. The doghouse in the cockpit sucks and really limits the amount of room and storage available. The 2200 with the OB is actually a larger boat given that you can use the entire cockpit.
I have a 22 with an I/O, which is definitely new to me after 21 years with outboards.

In all honesty, I really don't notice the doghouse much at all. It is nice and low, and I put some dri deck flooring on it, as it makes a great place to put the crab/prawn traps on. It is also an awesome place to play a fish from when you stand on it :) I still have TONS of storage, as there are 2 huge, in floor fish lockers on either side.

I was actually very skeptical about going I/O, and one of the main reason was the doghouse....now that I have it, it is really a non issue.

As far as the finicky weight transfer stuff while the boat is on plane, it does definitely take some getting used to. I have young kids that like to play around in the cuddy when we are running, and sometimes I feel like I am constantly playing with the tabs to keep it level...one thing is that the boat stays SOLID no matter what and in what every conditions that I have run it through. Handles water just AWESOME. I have an 8'6, 22 footer.

I want to say that I couldn't ask for any more out of a boat. I really love it! It's funny, I used to wander the docks, dreaming of what would be my perfect boat, and I must say that I haven't had to dothat lately :)

Hope that gives you some insight from my perspective.

Thanks Fishwish. That helps a lot. I have always looked at Sea Sports with envy. They have a salty look to them.
This was more boat than we anted but the condition and price are hard to beat. Plus a diesel to help on fuel costs.
