Little River Enhancement Society (LRES)

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
As many of you know LRES is going to be the recipient of 100% of the money raised from the entry's of our members in the SFBC 2014 Salmon Derby as well as all money brought in from the BBQ and events Sept.27 in Nanaimo.

Here is a little bit about them........

Little River Enhancement Society (LRES) was established in 1982 by a dedicated group of volunteer recreational fishermen and Beaver Meadows Farm.
We are a not for profit society under the DFO Public Involvement Program. The Little River watershed is located within the Comox Valley, on the east side of Vancouver Island.Currently we have 44 volunteers, who help out with day-to-day operations at the hatchery and stewardship of the watershed. Depending on the year we raise between 30 and 50 thousand Coho Salmon to enhance our system. Of those Coho that we raise our goal is to clip as many as possible so that they can be part of the selected Coho fishery here in British Colombia. We operate a smolt counting fence from April until June, and a brood stock fence from October until December. LRES is also active with a Chum Salmon program in partnership with DFO Puntledge River Hatchery. We receive 180 thousand Chum eggs to incubate and release into our river as fed fry. The benefits of this program are to add nutrients to our watershed with fry and returning adults.

Current projects we are working on include; a five-year river enhancement project with an estimated cost of $600,000. Presently we are at year two of this project and the results can be seen at the Oxbow Bridges at the end of Little River Road in Comox. The project includes tree planting, in river large woody debris, riffles and pools. The benefits of this work are for all life stages of both our enhanced and wild Coho salmon. This year’s projects on the river will be to continue the work we started last year and plan for a new spawning channel and a new over wintering side channel.

LRES in partnership with Nile Creek Enhancement Society are continuing a multi year project of kelp plantations in our area. We have been successful in establishing a new kelp bed at the 300-foot line off of Point Holmes. Our goal is to bring back the kelp beds that were once a dominant feature in our area.

On behalf of LRES I would like to thank the SFBC community for your support in helping us continue our work to bring back the Coho in our watershed for the benefit of all Canadians and future generations.

Dave Kozakowski
Vice President, Little River Enhancement Society
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You have any rough ideas Owen where you stand in your donation? Aside from derby this was very good to get funds back to help a project.. Hats off to you never tried this way with any of our enhancement fundraisers so be curious how your group does.
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Our donation to LRES is already in the thousands and will continue to grow right up till the wrap up party.....

With more prizes then entrants I can't see why more guys won't be jumping on board by days end... Last day to enter.....

Maybe your hatchery will want to take this derby on next year..... Just make sure you have volunteers to help you cause I am going insane.