Help protect more than 100 acres of floodplain forest along the Xwésam (Salmon) River.

They should have the Atlantic salmon hatchery close as that feeds into the salmon river. I am sure pathogens are released in the water. Maybe they have a filtration that kills bacteria, pathogens…. They should I guess
Not sure there's been any problems with pathogens but there is certainly the odd escapee from fish farms that end up making way back to the Salmon. Was a few a few years back not heard much recently. Main problem the Salmon face is logging and industrial development. BC Hydro dam removed 2017 so fish now have access to most of its 80km length. Now facing prospect of wind farms in the headwaters of Memekay and White Rivers with no environmental assessment.
Personally happy to chip in a bit of cash to protect some of the lower river permanently regardless of what they choose to call it. They've already done a bunch of great work in the estuary.
Salmon river was one of the few rivers on V.I. where you had a decent chance of a 20lb steelhead. Genetics that are still there and worth preserving! Same with the Gold and another little river down south.