Little Fort - any suggestions

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a buddie and i are heading out to the little fort area in the next month, any suggestions on prime locations (haha if your willing to give them up that is)
Just west of liitle fort is a place called Thulya lakes think the spelling is correct I used to go up there all the time and was fantastic fishing but i am sure some others will tell you of some different spots.

Good luck Wolf

Wolf is right Thuya is a great spot but I beleive you have to go through the lodge. I don't think you can drop your own boat in. (could be wrong).
Janice Lake (Long lake on your map)is another good one. Tons of fish but smaller fish. There is a small camp site (4 spots?) on one end of the lake and a private fishing camp on the other. I fish this lake a lot.

I fish that area most years but it is fairly high up and doesn't really start fishing well until end of June. There are tons of lakes in the area. You may want to find something at lower elevations.

E-mail me if you want more info.

eh tips (haha) your e-mail is not working - could be my computer

but yes i would like some more info - we usually plan a trip out there every spring / summer and try to find secluded 4x4 access lakes as the fishing tends to be better and the sites quieter and a lower elevation lake would be prefered as the night time temperature is more favourable as well as the day fishing is more enjoyable

- bushman

appreciate your responses - thanks guys
Not your computer bushmen. I tried to e-mail you also. Must be related to the site.

There are almost more lakes than land around Kamloops to Barrier. I have fished a couple of the locals lakes but I am sworn to secrecy on them. Sorry.
I fished Community Lake with good success a couple of years ago at the end of May. It off the road that runs to Sun Peaks Ski Hill. It is a bit high also so it would depend on the weather and temp this year.
I am heading for 100 Mile area on May 23 for a few days myself.

Good luck!
