Just use a 9/0ish single assist hook and loop it on itself, on the main hook . Think Gibbs JIG-A-LU, but with an assist hook instead of a treble.How are you rigging these assist hook on these? Purchasing or making the assist hooks?
Picked up some WC swimbaits at tradeX... I'll wash'm down in July. Other then that any of the swimbaits we've used are deadly. I like the Orange colored ones personally.4oz Delta Glow Green. Caught many large lings on them. Come in two packs so they're cheaper. Already have two hooks. I really want to try the West Coast ones though. They look awesome and have more weight with the solid rubber body. Replacing tails is lame.
This. I exclusively fish 14oz megabites for lings and the White Russian is an excellent colour. Purple crush is good too.Lighthouse White Russian 14oz megabite with an assist hook added. You can get replacement heads as well for them as I usually end up loosing the jig first and they come with 2 spare tails. The bodies hold up really well.
Thanks for replies. I will pick up some Megabites and give them a go. I'll try to figure out the assist hooks.
What Size of Assist hook are you running?Here’s my setup minus a 1’ section of heavy mono & swivel that I tie my jigs with. Lings are toothy critters so that section helps protect getting sawed off. The assist hook doesn’t increase getting snagged on bottom I’d say but does increase hook ups. I’ve even experimented with strapping the assist to the tail via a rubber band. Didn’t really change much. I got mine off Amazon like river boy. Just throw them out when they get scuffed up or dull. I do prefer the 6oz brown or orange swimbaits when trolling for Lings. The bigger 14oz white jigs seem to be a good colour I’m my experiences for jigging.
What Size of Hook are you running for Assist Hook?i bought these off amazon. just snare it on the large hook and make sure the hook point is positioned upwards. they tend to tail nip so most of the hookups are on the assist hook
What Size of Assist hook are you running?
1/0 or 2/0 is fine. i’ve tried trebles. they usually end up being a nite mareWhat Size of Hook are you running for Assist Hook?
We probably have the same kit from Amazon, and the largest size is 9/0. Wouldn't go smaller than 7/0 in this use. Hard to find good assist hooks up here in Canada. That kit is a good starter and relatively inexpensive, but definitely not kevlar cord and after about 10 toothy buggers you will see the wear. PNT has some decent looking 7/0 hooks. With regards to hook size for jigs (flatfall etc.) conventional wisdom is that hook points should come 1/3 to 1/2 way down the jig.It’s probably a 6 or 7. Just loop it back in itself forming a hitch, then slide down over the main hook.