Hey guys,
I havent done a whole lote of Ling fishing and need some help, can some one give me some advise;
Set up
Whats the best bottom structure
Thanks in advance for the info
PS; If you want to share a spot near Thrasher Rock , would appreciate it !
if you want big lings go over 180 feet ive caught 3 over 40 pounds
Use your leftover anchovies. Drop them down with a treble hook on a steel leader until you hit bottom them reel up a few feet. Jig lightly and if there's a ling around he will bite.
At thrasher, drift over the reef from shallow to deep lightly jigging your bait 2-5' above bottom. sometimes it's hard to do if the tide is moving quickly. You will find you can drift from 30' to 300' in only a few minutes. If you don't catch anything by the time you hit 300' pull up your line and drive back over the reef and drift again.
If you drag the bottom with your line you will lose lots of gear to snags. Also the rockfish tend to bit on the bottom so try to avoid that though I believe you can keep one per day.
Are you using any weight and if so does the weight tie ahead of the trebel or ???
Brings up a point i forgot to mention. It's best to release the big female breeders over 20 lbs. 10-15 lbers are the best eating anyway.
I just set it up with one assist hook at the top. This really reduces your snags on bottom, but still get great hookup rates with the fish!
"Assist Hook"? Do you mean you add a second hook at the eyelet at the head, or do you just run with one hook at the head and none at the 'tail'?