Light sticks for halibut

Spring fever

Thank you for your quick reply Im definitely going to get a bunch for the upcoming season cheers

Personally don't use or see the need or large expense. The light produced by a fully charged glow in the dark hoochie is plenty, when on anchor for the night and its dark in the boat, I have read a mag by them. I am not fishing "deep" or on the rocks anymore, no need when only chickens are targeted. Now swordfish is a different game.

I have found some days LED lights will outfish the other gear big time, other days doesn’t make a difference. I always put 1 line down with a light on it, and often that is the line that gets the first fish
Those look bright. What I have learned is that a big jig banged on bottom from back of boat many times out fishes the side spreader bars. Octopus on jig and another bait on spreader, still jig gets the hit.

Those look bright. What I have learned is that a big jig banged on bottom from back of boat many times out fishes the side spreader bars. Octopus on jig and another bait on spreader, still jig gets the hit.

I have seen the jig out fish the bait several times when the fishing is slow.
I think hali hunt by sound/vibration, then smell and finally sight. In that order. A fresh bait, in a glow hoochie bumped on bottom has best catch record for me. Lights are for sword fish at 1800 ft.

The lights also work for Sablefish & Shortrakers at 1800'. Resized_20180615_103123_1136.jpeg