Active Member
We are super excited to welcome Mark Pendlington to join our PRO STAFF! With 30 years television filming experience fishing on the West Coast, Mark brings with him a wealth of experience. Having tested our products Mark states, “I tested all Westcoast gear this filming season and could not believe the difference in quality components from their mooching rods, jigging rods, swim baits, turd hootchies and unique new flashers on big salmon. These guys know quality and innovative gear from the magic Little Phat-E Gold UV 2.5 on big chinook salmon feeding off 50ft gravel shoals targeting sand lance and the bullet proof Black & Blue 3.5 Phat-E matched this years smaller herring spawn size perfectly for the most consistent number of big fish episodes in years! I look forward to continued testing of Westcoast Fishing Tackle quality innovative gear for years to come!”
You can watch his Westcoast Sporting Journal TV program airing 4 times a week 52 weeks a year on World Fishing Network America, Sportsman Channel Canada, Root Sports Northwest USA and locally on Chek TV Channel 6 Vancouver/Vancouver Island.