Launch areas - Bamberton


Well-Known Member
We need to do some 'research' from the ocean and looking to get access as close as possible to the area just south of Bamberton Park. Would it be possible to carry a 12' boat from Bamberton park or is it a long haul from wherever the parking is (I haven't been there). If not, is there any other access areas close by that you could carry in a boat without having to go to Mill Bay Marina? I see a wharf on google just north in a residential area - private only???

Rather not do an 8k haul if I can avoid it!

There is a little community just north of Bamberton. They have there own dock there but it is probably private. But,the road from Mill bay to the Mill bay ferry travels along the shore. Lots of close access to the beach along there.
Ah yes...I see it now...for some reason I thought the ferry was to the south. Is there an area to get down by the ferry landing? That would work fine. If not, looks like we are right along the ocean 800 metres north - looks kind of like a seawall that correct? What about parking and navigation? Is it best to put boat in the back of the truck, or would I be able to turn around and stuff with a trailer if say I went down the ferry road.

Place to park in the north strip beside the ocean???

if ya got room , put it in the back of the truck so much easier 12` boat will be no problem getting it from the road 2 the water , have fun tight lines
Some of the land around the ferry is reserve land. But north of there, I have parked and walked along the beach. No real sea wall. Maybe slightly above sea level , then some logs and rocks at high water mark. Don't think you could launch off trailer but two people could pack a 12' tin can .
What kind of marine research? Talk to DFO (West Saanich Rd.)in Pat Bay they might allow you to launch at there government ramp in Pat bay and motor across the inlet to Bamberton? I know some one that works there that could possible help you out if your intrested or an option to you?
Interesting idea but unfortunately, time is money and we are on the Langford side. Longer haul across the inlet as well. 'Research' is checking out just south of the old cement plant for hiking trail possibilities and getting some photo's for presentation purposes as part of the proposed development site. Much easier from the water than trying to hike the side of the mountain!

So I gather it would be too hard from Bamberton park then??
Probably just from the north strip up from the ferry would be the way to go, but without the trailer, I may be able to make the road down in the cement plant as I do have 4x4...just figured that would be way too hard with a trailer as it's 16-20% grades.
you could launch right at the cement factory there`s actually a dock there as well