Langara Island Report May 20-25 + Pics


Well-Known Member
Spent May 20-25 @ Langara Fishing Lodge here's the report.

Salmon-few and far between.

Day One</u>-not a bite @ Lacy Island but I enjoyed fishing offshore even though conditions were marginal.

Day Two</u>-not a sniff and weather/sea conditions were worse.

Day Three</u>-finally got a bite (Yes I said one bite) all day also picked up a 23# Ling just where I knew one would be.

Day Four</u>-Finally hooked/landed a 19# Spring and a tiny Halibut.Of course that was the day my camera battery died.

Day Five</u>-not a sniff.

Lacy Island WC Langara Island

Halibut-rough conditions meant fishing for them was extremely difficult few bothered fewer were successful, I got both my squibs trolling for Salmon

Rockfish-had a helluva time fishing with Marco Lee a guy some may know from Berry's in Richmond.He has a fine mind for analysing how fish bite and how to present lures to them, casting lures toward the kelp and retrieving them or rather hop/jigging them along in shallow water was a lot of fun we caught all kinds of critters including different kinds of Kelp Greenling/Lingcod/Black Rockfish, lotsa fun on light tackle.

Marco Lee


Lodge-Fishing Operations</u>-very well planned very well run everything you need.I remember now why I don't like cut plug it's a howling bore of a way to fish but I knew that's how they did things when I booked.

Vessel of Dreams

Safety end of the operation is the best I've seen run by capable/caring/concerned people-very impressive.

Lodge Marine Safety

Food/Accommodations</u>-great little room up under the eaves with a skylight right over the bed I slept like a child every night couldn't ask for more.Food was plentiful well made and again very well organised.

A Bit o' Food



Langara is a large well established place that doesn't cut corners anywhere for any reason and I would recommend them to anyone any time.

One unfortunate situation is the burgeoning Sea Lion population they were following boats around for hours and tearing off fish whenever they were hooked bad and getting worse and there's bugger all anyone can do.A guy who was at the lodge has some pics of one Sea Lion encounter if he gets them up on the net I'll add them here.

Misc Pics



Rest of the pics are at Island May 08/

Sure the hell hope this works I'm beat and photobucket is slower than cut plugging.


Dogbreath aka Carl Z
Nice post DB. Sounds like you had a great time. its fun to see pictures and everything to go along with the tale.
Nice pic's Dogbreath!I missed you by two days. I was at WCFC next door.
You got the better weather-saw the sun for an hour the first day and the clouds and mist the rest of the time. the West side was blown off with gale winds the 26th and 27th

The salmon were spotty first two days as well. Thanks to our guide we managed five the first day while others were skunked.My 24lber was the largest that day- following the birds and bait further out was the ticket.
The 27th was a skunkfest.What a stink! Not even a nibble! Cohoe Pt,Bruin Bay all the way down to Pillar and nothing.Biggest fish was a 28 from Cohoe.
Wind calmed right down on the 28th and the fishing picked right up!Knocked a 28,22, two 19,and about five in the low to mid teens.Dragged bottom off Pillar for halis and the sounder was thick with springs!Big fish of the day was a 38 off Lacy but the east side produced many decent size springs.
Morning fish on the 29th only,and again no takers,but saw some beauties come off Lacy.
If I only had two more hours!

Sea lions,sea lions,sea lions.Bastards were having a feeding frenzy in close to shore and the consensus was the same with everyone-they are a big problem!One actually bit the flasher our guide put out and damn near pulled the downrigger off the base!

Langara sounds every bit as remarkable as WCFC. I now firmly believe that everyone should experience it at least once in their life!You are treated like royalty every minute you are there.I could go on and on,but you need to try it for yourself!
The clubhouse


Our guide at work

Talking salmon in our 25 ft Whaler


Scott the Man and father with a nice 18lber


Bye bye little fish,grow big!


The upstairs lounge(note the open bar in the corner)


Special Thanks have to go to our guide Scott.One hell of a fisherman!