I've got a Garmin 942xs with GT21 transducer and a 9.9 Suzuki kicker. With my main engine running, Suzuki 140hp, Garmin picture is clear in both 200 and 50KHz. When running the Kicker and at medium-high RPM, the screen goes completely blue in the 200 mode. I can track my DR balls when switched to 50Khz but can't mark any fish. Kicker and main are connected to the starting battery and the Garmin is wired to the deep-cycle house battery. I tried disconnecting the kicker leads and wired to the house but still have the same issue. Also replaced the spark plugs on the 9.9 in case of any noise but still had no luck. Both the kicker and Garmin are professionally installed and wired through the haul. Anyone with a similar setup has the same issue?

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