Karma Crabs


Well-Known Member
was a couple weeks ago i was waiting at the boat launch in Nanaimo for a buddy taking me fishing to get there, so i was wondering around by the fish cutting tables checking for signs of the days catch (head n gut box) when i noticed a sign made of cardboard and this is what it read
" hey guys i noticed you from across the bay pulling my crab traps and helping yourselves to my crabs, rather then approach you and cause a scene i followed you to the boat launch and watched as you loaded up your boat and left. hope you enjoyed them because next time i see your truck at the boatlaunch im taking my knife slashing all four of your (expletive delete) tires."

signed :Karma:)
It's a ****** thing, I think it happens to a lot of people who crab frequently, I bring my crab traps or at least one out every time even if iam just out for a day of boating fun, if i know i am going out a few days in a row ill just leave them out and rebait them each time. i have started zap strapping mine more or less for curiousity if they are checked or not, obviously a zap strap wont stop a thief who has pulled up my heavy butt ex commie traps. I have contemplated padlocking my traps or running barb wire around my line at certain points. But I feel like it will just **** the thieffs off enough that they'll either cut my line or steal my trap. Not worth the hassle, I just accept its part of crabbing unfortunately.
Ya at fist after reading it i was like whoa..that's a little extreme but after thinking about it for awhile i thought to myself what if the guy was a low income person who was trying to put food on the table for his family? or those crabs were all he was going to have for dinner. Some people really need to think about karma coming around that's for sure.. i know a many occasions people have check and looted my traps and like you say it's part of crabing but come on people! i personally have never checked anyone's crab or prawntraps.
I pulled a pot once ,no crabs but 3 empty beer cans inside, whatever. Been crabbing on and off for over 30 years never had a problem cept for the last 5 years or so. I have heard about "time releases" but never used them.
Galvanic Timed Releases
(GTR's) are reliable underwater timing devices. They are also known as POP-UPS. The patented design of the GTR uses two dissimilar metals that corrode at a predictable rate. GTR's must be used in salt water. Their corrosion rate depends on the water's salinity and temperature at the depth being used. "http://www.lfsmarineoutdoor.com/time-releases-galvanized-1-7-day.html".
I put "Smile you are being photographed" on my crab floats" not sure if it has helped or not.
cheers !
Ya at fist after reading it i was like whoa..that's a little extreme but after thinking about it for awhile i thought to myself what if the guy was a low income person who was trying to put food on the table for his family? or those crabs were all he was going to have for dinner.
Of course Jeffy, that's why the guy decided to launch his own boat and burn up gas to steal someone's crabs. He wouldn't consider that the cost of the boat, gas and transport is much more than the cost of just buying the food. DoH!
roger that, pretty good crabbin not far from the boat launch in Nanaimo too, i leave my crab traps soak but would never leave my prawnstring..to many people will scoop them suckers nowadays.