Jigging or Dragging up a Hali anchor


Well-Known Member
So, friend had a snafu yesterday and anchor and 599 feet of really nice rope are at the bottom of the ocean. Wrapped around the prop, taking on water, had to cut the line.

Now unless someone is a serious commercial diver with too much time on their hands wants to trade finding it for a halibut trip or two, I was thinking we should try to jig it up.

I was thinking a mud raker lure or some trebles, but not sure of the best way to go about it. No great tide windows but may try for an hour today.

any better ideas, I was thinking of trying to drag a bug shark treble or something. I have my old downrigger line we could try…..don’t want to f up even worse trying to get it back!
Did you get an exact plotter mark where you lost it ?
any kind of drift will make it hard to find especially if the rope was
stretched out.
I would assume you where anchored in 400’ or less ?

I would try just slowly dragging a bunch of hooks above as heavy a weight as possible on the down current side of where you figure it is. My thought is the line is going to be stretched out with the current.

I also rig my anchor line with a small float between the boat and the Scotsman just in case I need to let go and come back later for it. It also helps to see where the line is so it doesn’t get ran over by other boats while on anchor or you during retrieval

If you have the spot marked, then line up with the tides and use a zig, zag pattern slowly dropping down from where the anchor was set hoping to tag onto the line that will be stretched out by the current. Heavy trebble and jig away until you snag it. Recovered prawn traps that way when someone forgot to attach the ball...worked first time.
If you have the spot marked, then line up with the tides and use a zig, zag pattern slowly dropping down from where the anchor was set hoping to tag onto the line that will be stretched out by the current. Heavy trebble and jig away until you snag it. Recovered prawn traps that way when someone forgot to attach the ball...worked first time.
Lucky. Never found mine again. Off to PNT for a replacement and forgot about it. Always something when fishing. Bring out another hundred.
Lost a sturgeon anchor in the Fraser and did a troll pattern trying to snag it... unfortunatly was unsuccesful think you're gonna be SOL but always worth a try. Buddy of mine did recover mine weeks later though when the bouy resurfaced. (if you're reading this I still want it back Chris!!!)