JDF Derby

We weighed in a 25.6 and a 17. Good for 16th place and a nice package from Rona.

Good times and as always a great Derby. Thanks to those who put it together.

Well it was tough fishing for us we had a nice one on and it shook the hook about 20 ft from the boat we got a lot of feeders on sat up to about 15 lbs we threw them back looking for bigger of course and today we got 2 about the same it was friggin cold and windy both days felt like I should have been on the side of a mountain looking for nov bucks.

I now am off to knights for a small stint of better fishing

Good luck Wolf
my buddy got 14th (15th on the site minus one place for the halibut) 4k.. pretty nice :)
Went out on Saturday. Hit Otter around 530 left at 1200, stuck to the program and worked it. Not even a sniff, saw one fish landed and one lost for all those boats.
I wasn't in the derby but I was fishing, otter point was brutal. I didn't see a single fish landed all morning. Fed up with the boats we headed for deep water and got a 25lb'er near the bluffs.
Fished the derby all day Sat. Pounded it out for 14 hours and got 3 fish. A 25, 23 and 14. Nothing on Sunday. Knees, calves and back are sore today from the pounding. Weather made it tough to stay the course. Sunday only got one bite. Winds were terrible, also noticed a lot of boats with the JDF stickers were tied up at the dock. Aslo what the hell was going on with the tides....brutal.
Small ones and a teenager for myself.. My Buddy Hoop nailed a nice one on Sunday that put him on the prize board.. Our table was on fire for prizes, but i still came up empty handed.. Next year ? Congrats to the Eagle Mist boys for there big win. Nice fish....
Small ones and a teenager for myself.. My Buddy Hoop nailed a nice one on Sunday that put him on the prize board.. Our table was on fire for prizes, but i still came up empty handed.. Next year ? Congrats to the Eagle Mist boys for there big win. Nice fish....