JDF Derby

Hmm, can you say ouch.....just talked to a guy this morning - he said the rest of his crew were in the derby and got skunked, but he wasn't. He decided to go out anyway, but went further out and fished deep. Ended up with a 26 pounder.....dat woulda been worth something!

Needless to say, he's kicking himself he didn't enter this time around!
you know what funny?
first place was a guy from island outfitters
second place was paul taylor from trotac marine
third place was a guy from a fish store out in sooke
the others i dont know
Way to go, Wolf! Is it too early to book you for next year's derby?:D
sheet I have to get my sheet together to get in the derby dang! next yr if dfo havn't facked the fishing up by then
Sorry Red that derby is and always will be for my father and friends its etched in stone.

Ok, I'll just have to book you for special top-secret-derby-winning lessons. [:p]
Gee here I thought i was under secret observation with the new boat looks like I already have been discovered[V][V].

But seriously this last fish was just lucky last year I was able to fish the whole week prior so I sort of had a better insight as to what was going on this year I just got the boat basically in the water and went on gut instinct with tides and what I saw from the previous day It was fun that for sure!!!!

Good luck Wolf