JDF Derby Shutdown

I am with you on this one Wolf.. Great way to raise money for salmon enhancement. Well its the Sidney anglers derby this weekend if any of you want to step up with some money. O-ya its for Salmon enhancement.
Wolf...I support the derby and also know it is bs that they have to shut down. What I'm saying is that if an uniformed person read what you just posted about the catch ratio they would argue that it must be really bad if the best anglers on the coast fishing for big money can only find 144 fish out of 700 lines in the water. And they still want to keep fishing. I'm just pointing out why one has to really think through what is said and how it is said or your words and actions do you more harm than good.
As an example. allowing the media to film our last SFAB meeting when there is major crap going down was a mistake. They are going to film and show us confronting DFO in a heated manner...obviously it sells. So the public sees a bunch of guys very angry, probably having to bleep out a few words...messge received by the viewers? A bunch of red neck sport fishers wanting to catch the few remaining fish. I will bring up a motion at the next meeting that cameras not be allowed into those type of meetings. It does more harm than good.
The other groups pay people to think of this **** for them. So when they have the opportunity to have a camera in front of them the visual message ties in with the words being spoken. I know what you are saying...but either we get up to speed or we will loose. It kinda reminds me of MR Nixon's first attempt at running for president down south. He didn't put on the make up to look good for the camera (didn't think he needed it) he looked pasty and it cost him that election. How you look is as important as how you sound.
Was thinking some more today about the derby. Wouldn't it be great if the derby committee would follow up and call all those who participate like they do every year to let everyone know when they can pick up their tickets. This year ask everyone to donate the money they would have normally spend on tickets to the derby so they could donate the $60,000 to local groups on their behalf. Make a story out of with the basic premise that is...."sport fishermen care just as much about the monies raised for salmon as they do about the prizes" We donated this money to support the derby's fight to continue and to also make sure that those doing good work for local salmon enhancement don't suffer because of DFO's inability to manage the resource.

I would be into that, Sounds like a good way to get positive media on us. We dont need to be in a derby to contribute and it makes us look like the better group.

Also Wolf the numbers are dropping so it does look bad. I know we are not the only problem, but we gotta be part of the solution as well
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As an example. allowing the media to film our last SFAB meeting when there is major crap going down was a mistake. They are going to film and show us confronting DFO in a heated manner...obviously it sells. So the public sees a bunch of guys very angry, probably having to bleep out a few words...messge received by the viewers? A bunch of red neck sport fishers wanting to catch the few remaining fish. I will bring up a motion at the next meeting that cameras not be allowed into those type of meetings. It does more harm than good.

X2 The FN's have a very strong lobby; Commies have a strong lobby; We have ourselves - we must learn to create a positive image out there. The Halalt Nation has a job posting ad in local papers for an Aboriginal Aquatics & Ocean Management Coordinator - a full time position responsible for: "...increasing participation in fisheries management and increasing economic opportunities relating to ocean, fisheries and marine resources." Whoever, you can be sure the first step will be media releases telling the public how good this is - having their people handle fisheries management. Oh yeah...and increasing their economic opportunities...by taking allocation from us? Ya think?

We have the most to lose (like everything!) but we still can't seem to get it together and tackle this stuff with a unified voice. We're perpetually fighting the last battle instead of preparing for the next one. Can we focus on SOMETHING and get strategic here? ... or else take a TKO.

Outstanding!!! Thanks for putting this up, Rocky. This is an example of the voice we need out there - early and often: factual, balanced, direct. No bashing of FN's or commies just identifying mismanagement, the complete disregard DFO has for sportfishers and a funding policy that defies logic. He didn't yet speak to the DFO support of commercial enterprises (feedlots) that are very likely jeopardizing the future of many wild fisheries. Who's up next?

BTW: We do not need a whole lot of tedious science and statistics - just that the preponderance of evidence suggests that open pen fish farms put dangerous viruses into the ocean - cast doubt on the farms practices and concern over the 2 viruses found in farmed salmon - in your local grocery store! Scary stuff gets attention - we are providing a public service. Nice!
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Hello, do you not get it yet?
You are not invited to the commie or F/N meetings!
Why would you tell your enemies what you are thinking of doing?
The planning should be done off line and in closed door meetings, then when you have a plan you can go public?
By the way they are your enemies, they are not your friends as to them this is all about money.

X2 The FN's have a very strong lobby; Commies have a strong lobby; We have ourselves - we must learn to create a positive image out there. The Halalt Nation has a job posting ad in local papers for an Aboriginal Aquatics & Ocean Management Coordinator - a full time position responsible for: "...increasing participation in fisheries management and increasing economic opportunities relating to ocean, fisheries and marine resources." Whoever, you can be sure the first step will be media releases telling the public how good this is - having their people handle fisheries management. Oh yeah...and increasing their economic opportunities...by taking allocation from us? Ya think?

We have the most to lose (like everything!) but we still can't seem to get it together and tackle this stuff with a unified voice. We're perpetually fighting the last battle instead of preparing for the next one. Can we focus on SOMETHING and get strategic here? ... or else take a TKO.

Right frickin on! Great article. Thank you Martin for writing it and TC for publishing the whole truth.

Profisher I think Wolf was taking to Dennis there. Its funny who talks about the necessity for derby closures for conservation reasons buts avy pic is one person on a dock with a dozen fish. Which sorry to make a example of your pic dennis but a reason sportfishers get a bad name. Soo many pics of people with dozens of fish laid out, bloody fish heaved in the air and the look of 'look how many fish I killed'. Which is how it looks to most people who dont fish and actually how it is sometimes. Which yes we should have a right to do but times are changing and dfo is incharge and turning a blind eye to were it matters most were screwed. Alot of people do fish for sport as quite a few ive talked to dont even like fish. But what pisses me off is media and dfo dont recognize is us whiteyes do it for food too, not just fn. Its not always about the 'sport' in 'sportfishing' And I when I hear or read these conversations of people actually doing something its only a few because i think alot of people just like the sport aspect and dont really care about conservation. I think its ridiculous to think a one or two day derby could impact stocks and I think a one fish a day limit is peanuts even in 19/20 because there is so little pressure anywhere else and every one should have the right to put food on there table.

Im probably going to get bitched out for this post but whatever with 300+ plus people lurking on here everyday I didnt feel like being one of them.
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Right frickin on! Great article. Thank you Martin for writing it and TC for publishing the whole truth.

Profisher I think Wolf was taking to Dennis there. Its funny who talks about the necessity for derby closures for conservation reasons buts avy pic is one person on a dock with a dozen fish. Which sorry to make a example of your pic dennis but a reason sportfishers get a bad name. Soo many pics of people with dozens of fish laid out, bloody fish heaved in the air and the look of 'look how many fish I killed'. Which is how it looks to most people who dont fish and actually how it is sometimes. Which yes we should have a right to do but times are changing and dfo is incharge and turning a blind eye to were it matters most were screwed. Alot of people do fish for sport as quite a few ive talked to dont even like fish. But what pisses me off is media and dfo dont recognize is us whiteyes do it for food too, not just fn. Its not always about the 'sport' in 'sportfishing' And I when I hear or read these conversations of people actually doing something its only a few because i think alot of people just like the sport aspect and dont really care about conservation. I think its ridiculous to think a one or two day derby could impact stocks and I think a one fish a day limit is peanuts even in 19/20 because there is so little pressure anywhere else and every one should have the right to put food on there table.

Im probably going to get bitched out for this post but whatever with 300+ plus people lurking on here everyday I didnt feel like being one of them.
You make a good point Fish Stalker.Rest assured that pic is of my son and our limits caught off of Tofino,where there is an abundance of salmon.Mostly Columbia river bound fish from what ive been told.But yah people seeing that could get the wrong idea.The point here is that with so many boats fishing that derby and so few fish being caught,does that not set off alarm bells to the dwindling Fraser river chinook stocks?Why not hold Salmon enhancement lotteries to raise monies,ive seen it done for other great causes.
You do realize thisis because of a very few amout of heads returned back less than you can count on 1 hand!!! and thats why its getting shut....

As for the next meeting probablly wont be one as what for everythng in area 19/20 will be shut down so whats to meet about?????
The thing is if they do indeed get what they want 19/20 shut this is the beginning of the web as we are the biggest chunk it will spread and the web will get bigger and bigger soon to be in someone elses back yard...
Im still baffled as to why they dont close areas that border this area .... ooohhh yeah they dont swim past the west coast or nanaimo the fly over those areas and only swim past area 19 /20...... forgot common sense is a super power along with spiderman!!!!!
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That last TC article is awesome.

The media and cameras should be avoided at the meetings due to the fact that they wanna post action and portray us fisherman in the wrong light. They dont get down to the true story , only what they wanna see.

Now is the time where we all need to stick together as a team, and have cool heads prevail. Lets avoid the infighting(WE ARE ALL HERE FOR THE SAME REASON)

I know its hard for everyone to see everything from different sides but the one thing WE ALL HAVE IN COMMON, is the passion for fishing and we all wanna continue fishing. The best times I have had are with my boy on the boat, and time spent in the bush hunting.

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That's all nice and dandy talk but I would like to see someone step up and get $15000 - $20000 together in lieu of the missing donation by the JDF derby this year. Without that, about 2000 - 3000 mature returning salmon will be missing in 3-4 years from now. Anyone?
I talked to a few people who fish the derby today and they are willing to donate what would have been their sponsor fees ($500) towards what I mentioned earlier.
That's all nice and dandy talk but I would like to see someone step up and get $15000 - $20000 together in lieu of the missing donation by the JDF derby this year. Without that, about 2000 - 3000 mature returning salmon will be missing in 3-4 years from now. Anyone?

Hey Chris, I'm just one guy that doesn't make a lot of money at all, but I'm willing to donate $100 towards enhancement. Who should I be giving it to? I'm also willing to donate some time as well. Whether it's to put together a fund raiser to help raise money, or volunteering at a hatchery. Anyone else willing to support?
Hey Chris, I'm just one guy that doesn't make a lot of money at all, but I'm willing to donate $100 towards enhancement. Who should I be giving it to? I'm also willing to donate some time as well. Whether it's to put together a fund raiser to help raise money, or volunteering at a hatchery. Anyone else willing to support?

X2 - $100 - a Paypal account makes it easy. Details?
That's all nice and dandy talk but I would like to see someone step up and get $15000 - $20000 together in lieu of the missing donation by the JDF derby this year. Without that, about 2000 - 3000 mature returning salmon will be missing in 3-4 years from now. Anyone?

If someone else goes in for $100.00 I will match it. Christoph do you want to collect?.

We should produce our own commercial - get some kids involved, perhaps Gary Cooper can get junior the fishing host to round up some of his little buddies to explain what fishing represents to them.Just saying the fish farmers/gov use commercials to spin their web.
x 3 for the donation, to all those that were gonna donate and to those that were gonna buy tickets....lets do it
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We gotta make something happen. My son and I are willing to commit time to the hatchery to help, it would be nice for him to see that side of it. We are available any time except last week of Sept and first week of October
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x 3 for the donation, to all those that were gonna donate and to those that were gonna buy tickets....lets do it

So you are in for a $100 donation to our Hatcheries. I guess you just made me pay.

How about you sammyslabber we appreciate your idea donation but the hatcheries need some cash. Come on guys $100.00 is propably your gas bill for a days fishing and you guides can probably write it off.
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