Its Done..almost :D


Active Member
Just got word that the boat will be finished Friday at the latest..ill be out at porlier sunday :D any1 else heading out?
I might be heading out there. I'm in the silver streak (green top). What's your boat look like?
I will be out saturday .I will let you guys know . last weekend they were closer in,hooked one in 90 feet water and lost one.
25' w/a grady white, first time out this year so if you see me ide appreciate soem help on finding the fish :P its sounds pretty good out there, ill probably be out around 10
Hey salty beaver i was going to fish about 150' of water and 110 + 130 on the rigger with anchovies.... are they in this water colomb or shallower? Also, should i bother with the chovies or just use a coyote? If so, what colors seem to be working? Thanks!
From experience best luck is right on bottom. About a month ago we were fishing in 175 (on bottom) next weekend 150 and they kept getting in shallower water, and last weekend was 90 feet on bottom. I would try 100 feet to start.

Cop car spoon and army truck, tiger prawn hoochies were the best and caught are limit a couple weekends in a row and now they seem to only want anchovies. Last weekend the fish had a 7" herring in it I did not see my friend clean it but I seen the herring would have been a mouth full.

You don’t have any map source programs do you?
also check report .
Ok great thanks! Over the past year ive found personaly that goign about 10ft deeper then w/ethe reports have been saying has done me very well, so i think ill troll the 95~120' range with the riggerrs at 94 and 110 (my luckys numbers from last year :P) If im not having anyluck ill radio around and see what everybody else is doing [8)] Thanks very much for your help!

It IS done now :D:D (the boat :P its been at cove yachts for a month)
tooker er out for a spin tonight and she was flying [8D] see you all out sunday [:p]:D:D
fished for about 4 hours got one in the boat and the bigest one of the year for me but forgot the net and it slipped away . both were on bottom 100' anchovy .

good luck
man u looked wet [8D] very mice fish! ill try to get out there tomorrow my moms giving me some trouble :( i might be stuck to the narrows
cut and past it into the web adress.Not sure what happed. and yes it was wet but with the right gear it does not matter. Prawning was good too but you need some weight with the big tides.

can't beleive the the fish we missed.15-20
Made it to tent for about an hour, trolled around for 20 mins and didnt have the patience, so we went to that reef and jugged, cought one fish on everypass..we only had enough time for 1 by the time it was in the boat we were wayy past the reef (strong current) Got about 15 prawns, whiel poulling the 2nd 1 anouther boat came aside us to see how we did, they had their traps raided as when they had theirs brought up (all 4) the strap (for the round ones that you bring up and clip onto the top) were all im guessing thats what happened to us too. Good day out on the water though, im going out wednesday and sunday again, probly tent both times, and next sunday porlier
That's better. Now it's even clickable.:D

Ummm......That toilet paper isn't going to do much for anyone anymore! And is that a knife you're sitting on? Might explain all the tape holding the other chair together. lol.

Ahh the sh*t that we put up with.....NICE FISH!