Island wolves?

For those of you south Island guys who have spent much time on and around Survey Mtn between Sooke and Shawnigan, Im sure you have had a sighting or two of the many wolves in that area, especially Lazar Lakes area. Quite a show on a cold clear January night listening to them howling away from the North Face tent. Some big, well fed Kitties around two. The first island wolf i saw scared the crap outta me when i was around 8 years old in Rock Bay south of Sayward. I was loading gear in the 14 foot Lund for dad getting ready to jig some Springs off Thurlow. It was just standing in the tidal flats behind another boat beside us, just staring at me as breakfast, ran my arse back to camp with wide eyes, came back with dad and it was gone. Did not see another for almost 10 years, pretty elusive given the time i have spent off the beaten path!
225 pounds, thats somethin. I could have missed something but from what im finding searching the net the biggest wolf ever recored,anywhere, was 80kg or 176 pounds. So I guess thats some sort of world record sittin in your living room nog, you should check into that;).
Not sure how people can shoot wolves. Personally I think they are one of the coolest animals on the planet. They have a hiearchy and a family/pack system that is quite neat. Older females will take care of the pups of other pack members that have been killed etc. Also their ability to communicate is quite rare amongst animals. Wolves are naturally fearful of man and will give them a wide berth. A few years ago hunting in N Alta I had one following my tracks. It would **** right next to where I pissed (in the snow). When I doubled back you could see where it had jumped off and watched me go by only to follow me again. Of course carrying a rifle helps with the fear factor....
quote:Just wondering what a wolf meat tastes like?

Hey Tanglefoot, don't know about anyone else but there is no way that I would attempt to eat a wolf, they have a horrific odour to them that their is no appetite to devour them, and would suspect they are not the best tasting at any rate. Black Bear on the other hand is very good.

quote: Not sure how people can shoot wolves
Hey Barbender, I feel similar as you with respect to how cool wolves are as well as pretty well all of wildlife actually. However i don't feel sorry for any wolf that is removed from the pack. I have witnessed a pack kill a cow and calf moose and it is not quick, painless or fair to the prey. I know that this is a sensitive subject to many people so I will leave it at that.

Merry Christmas to all!
Came apon a wolf swimming in the broken group one year and also used to feed a couple of wolves mackeral at the old effingham lodge in 1993.The male would come right down and take the mackeral ten feet away.One day we threw him a couple of macks and he trotted down and stood there about fifteen feet away then looked up into the bush nodded his head and the female wondered down they grabbed a mackeral each and disappeared into the bush.That was really cool to watch.Pretty smart animals.
Never ate it never will wall mounts thats where it is!!!!!
And dont go and try and stir ir up as I dont think many people will or would eat wolf it is one of those things that are not mandatory to take out read the regs and you will see.

Merry x-mas to all

Vancouver Island wolverine on Jump cr. In the Nanaimo River water shed.. That was cool..-dirty