Island wolves?

Charter Tofino

Well-Known Member
Anyone here seen one? i always hear about them but have never seen one and only know a few people that have. Seem alot more uncommon than cougars.
Saw wolves in Woss area , Nim Nim Lake , Conuma and as far South as Silver Lake in behind Chemainus and Mt Whymper at the back end of Copper Canyon , in the late '50's and early '60's some were sighted in the old Kapoor slash the West side of Shawnigan Lake about 3 miles in.

Ive heard them in the sooke area up around valentine mountain close to the walker main and seen the tracks but have yet to see them.;)
West of Qualicum Beach there was a pack in the 1970's. Around where Turner Meadows was/is. Mangy things they were.
I read that most animals people see are ferral dogs or dog wolf hybrids.Not sure if its true or not.CA i think your the only one i have heard of thats seen an island wolverine. Was it north island? alpine? That would be sweet
I wonder how many are left. I just read a paper saying their is only approx 300-400 cougars and 150 wolves on the island. Its a pretty big island if those numbers are accurate then its no wonder sightings are uncommon.
Think there is more than that I personally have shot only one on the island but got 2 of them up near prince george the one I shot here was in a place called deerholme about 8 years ago I have only seen about 15 of them over 25 years of hunting they are rather sneaky.


Saw one last year in Pacific Rim National Park while driving with the wife. It loped accross the road and then sat down and stared at us. Once, you've seen that stare you know it isn't any dog.
About 5 years back just before dusk and slightly north of the Denman Island turn off from the Island Highway there was one just off the road. As I slowed he turned and just headed back into the underbrush.
I have seen wolves over here on the Sunshine Coast and back east so there was no mistaking it.
I have researched it quite a bit and have come across some recent information that there is a pack in the area behind Qualicum Parksville to the Arrowsmith area but not much else.
None of which you wanna bring home for a trophy.:D:D
quote:Originally posted by Tsquared

Many cougar sightings in the Victoria area, but only at certain bars!:D
about 20 yrs ago there were so many wolves in sooke, they actually had a trapping program to try and kull the herd, we always seen them when hunting there, renfrew has quite a good population of them as well, a friends dog was chased by the pack, and these were not stray dogs, one i seen in sooke was pure white and looked as big as a pony, another time a friend we were hunting with was squatting over a log(nature calls) and all of a sudden he looked up and there were about 6-8 wolves surrounding him from a distance checking him out, he raised his rifle and they were all gone just as quick as they showed up, so yes there are wolves, how many now i dont know, i think the kull was pretty succesful and lack of deer has also helped
Yes, we've witnessed lots of wolves and signs of the pack here @ Sooke and around Van Isle. The trapping program still goes on down here on the southern island. One of my friends is still involved. They are big and its not easy to confuse them with a dog. We've had an encounter on our remote trips just about every year,Estevan,Brooks pen etc... This year we saw 4 wolves on Turtle Isl/Dodd island in Broken group islands @ Barkley Sound on sept 11th. The warden told other Kayakers that it was our dog running around leavin all the tracks...Not. Last year they were on Effingham Island close to Meare's Bluff, we evacated a few kayakers that were caught seperated from their boats and scared by two X-large Black wolves. [:0] Be careful and Aware on any beach or in the bush!;)
quote:Originally posted by kildonan

I think IronNoggin has one in his house.

Two</u> actually Kildonan. One rather large white (&gt; 225 lbs!) from Victoria Island - rug mounted of course, and another live example, now almost 8 months old and already over 70 pounds!! :D

Seen a few about the Island over the years here. More often their tracks / kill sites. Got in on one massacre of sorts a handfull of years ago...
We had suffered some pretty heavy damage offshore while riding out the worst storm I have ever seen at sea. Limped into Friendly Cove to get to the repairs, and the very first thing I did was lower the skiff, and get to LAND as quick as I could. Up to that point, the last 72 hours I was more than uncertain that might ever happen again!!
Went up and chatted with the native caretaker there for a spell. He was really down, and when I inquired as to why, he explained that the very night before a pack of wolves had taken down 2 of his 3 dogs. With a grim smile, I suggested he bring all the garbage (meat preferred) on hand down to the beach. Returned to the big boat, and gathered up a decent load from our galley. Met up with the caretaker on the beach, and placed all these offerings in a heap 20 yards from the high water line. Back to the boat, and spent an hour setting up the HUGE searchlights to focus on that pile. Sat on deck with the Skip and Engineer, slurping hot rums and reliving our hours of terror of the previous two days. A little after midnight, shone a red lensed handheld that direction, and picked up multiple sets of eyes. Readied the ship's arsenal, hit the lights, and went to work. Short story, 7 hides awaiting skinning on the beach. In the morning, the old caretaker came down, his eyes absolutely glistening as he viewed the pile now assembled just for that moment. What are you going to do with your wolves? he asked. Wrong question sez I, what are YOU going to do with YOUR wolves! That old man literally danced for joy!! Had them skinned and on boards by late that afternoon. Always have a welcome there now...

Strange thing though...
I've hunted them, trapped them and seen them all over Western Canada and the Arctic. These were unlike any I had seen before or since. Many different colors, some faces more dog-like than wolf, and configurations not fitting the program (likely reflective of crossbreeding with domestic hounds) and their size, while larger than most dogs, was on the small side of the scale in my mind's eye.

So yes, they are indeed out there. But I think we have a LOT more to worry about with two-legged predators, and cats on this Rock than wolves.

True Halli , have seen them while fishing around Pill Point on the inside of the reef , they were running along the rocks heading to Rainy Bay area , also were around in the Fatty Basin region too.

How bout the pack in metchosin.... lots(well enough)in the sooke hills, shawigan side.... wish I didnt get the truck stuck that night, was a long hike out but...... I had company
heard wolf's howling somewhere beyond Cous Creek Mtn while sockeye fishing in one early morning many years ago.

saw a cougar once running across Great Central Lake logging road near Ash Valley about 25 years ago.
quote:Originally posted by wolf

I personally have shot only one on the island but got 2 of them up near prince george Wolf LOL

Hi Wolf! Just wondering what a wolf meat tastes like? I mean, if you shot them you obviously ate them. Just like fishing I guess, any fish we sportfishers kill intentionally, we eat, don't we[8D] OR am I missing something here, (I hope).

Yes,seen a pack in renny three years ago.They where running down the road infront of the truck.

Merry Ho Ho