Did you let your SFAC know that at your last fall meeting?
It's not too late to send your preference to your chair! You can find out who your chair is by contacting the below people and you can also send them your answers to the questions below to be forwarded to the chair!
Contact us
Meeting materials are available upon request. To receive copies please contact:
Brad Beaith
South Coast Recreational Fisheries Coordinator, Vancouver Island
Barbara Mueller
Fraser Recreational Fisheries Manager
the Halibut Committee is requesting your guidance regarding your preferences for this next year, while understanding we do not yet know exactly what the TAC will be.
1. Does your SFAC have any thoughts of how the 2019 hybrid model satisfied your expectations or would you prefer changes?
2. As part of your discussion please also consider options around the decision for the first discussion (1) re scenario. Our guiding principles initially stated:
a. Conservation of the stock and ensuring responsible fishing practices.
b. Halibut are managed on a coast wide basis.
c. Maximizing the length of the season to include Feb 1st to Dec 31st each year.
d. Ensuring certainty and stability for the fishery by creating a management regime that minimizes the likelihood of in season closures.
e. A minimum daily limit of one and a possession limit of two.
f. An annual limit of some kind is an acceptable way to limit catch
As you are aware, changes have occurred in our TAC that has already moderated some of the guidelines, however, we are asking for your thoughts re which will be more important for your deliberations as we face declining TACs which affect type of management scenario, size limits, annual limits, and season length for our fishery to stay within TAC.
Do you favour a potential larger fish over a longer season?
Do you favour a longer season over a potential larger fish?
Do you favour a later start to the season to have a potential for an extension into the fall?
Do you favour an early start to the season which may mean a closure by end of summer?
As we all know, we do have the overage provision in place, however, this is only in place as a safety valve and not to be used in our decision. The option chosen has to be one that fits our TAC with degrees of uncertainty included. Seeing as our guiding principles need updating since we are in these low biomass years, there will be an agenda item on the SFAB Mainboard meeting in April to update the principles.