Investigation: Mcdonald beach

I never called or reported to DFO because I did not in fact see anything ilegal, the boat could have had 20 white, brown, black or pink people on it my reaction would have been the same. Why did it circle in the river for 15 minutes before entering the marina? Was it a coincedence that the suv's arrived exactly the same time the boat tied up? Why did they rush up and leave asap, these things would lead anyone to believe something was up.
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Pretty funny post. I wasn't sure if you were serious until u mentioned ur buddy having to go to dimsum haha. I love dimsum

Anyways their pics on their website bug me the same amount as all the identical pics that every lodge and charter has on their sites. I don't understand why guys feel the need to catch their limit and keep everything they catch. Unfortunately charters are expensive and the ROI on that expense seems to be measured by how many fish you bonk for most folks.

I haven't fished for rockfish in years and only keep them if it's an accidental catch on trolling gear. Lings can go back but the Rockies don't do well if it's over about 60ft of water. However I don't expect others to have the same ethical code if dfo says they can keep them
Pretty funny post. I wasn't sure if you were serious until u mentioned ur buddy having to go to dimsum haha. I love dimsum

Anyways their pics on their website bug me the same amount as all the identical pics that every lodge and charter has on their sites. I don't understand why guys feel the need to catch their limit and keep everything they catch. Unfortunately charters are expensive and the ROI on that expense seems to be measured by how many fish you bonk for most folks.

I haven't fished for rockfish in years and only keep them if it's an accidental catch on trolling gear. Lings can go back but the Rockies don't do well if it's over about 60ft of water. However I don't expect others to have the same ethical code if dfo says they can keep them

I concur...dimsum rocks!
Pretty funny post. I wasn't sure if you were serious until u mentioned ur buddy having to go to dimsum haha. I love dimsum

Anyways their pics on their website bug me the same amount as all the identical pics that every lodge and charter has on their sites. I don't understand why guys feel the need to catch their limit and keep everything they catch. Unfortunately charters are expensive and the ROI on that expense seems to be measured by how many fish you bonk for most folks.

I haven't fished for rockfish in years and only keep them if it's an accidental catch on trolling gear. Lings can go back but the Rockies don't do well if it's over about 60ft of water. However I don't expect others to have the same ethical code if dfo says they can keep them

Ling Cod is the best tasting fish in the North Pacific Ocean.......they don't get thrown back in my boat, lol.
Ling Cod is the best tasting fish in the North Pacific Ocean.......they don't get thrown back in my boat, lol.

I would have to agree on taste actually. Unfortunately most of the lings I pull up last few yrs are either too small or covered in sea lice. I know it's fine but I cant bring myself to bonk one to eat when the skin is crawling yuck!
I would have to agree on taste actually. Unfortunately most of the lings I pull up last few yrs are either too small or covered in sea lice. I know it's fine but I cant bring myself to bonk one to eat when the skin is crawling yuck!

FYI, EVERY fish in the ocean has some kind of lice on them, lol.
Yes, but if anyone wants to look in our coolers, including creel surveyors, we'd say "come on down! " and be cooperative instead of Spy vs. Spy tactics in evading the watchful eyes of the public at large! We also don't run 3-5 boats over there every day with 9 passengers on board each boat bonking every thing with fins which comes to the surface and we don't return to the dock handing off fish to waiting people in Mercedes, BMWs, etc etc.

There's a well known sound very close to Vancouver which has just 5 percent of the bottomfish it used to fact, they were nearly eliminated.

I have called ORR 4 times on 4 different people in the last 4 years....

Buccaneer, let's keep this simple, everyone on this board, including you, needs to be vigilant and open minded in watching for suspicious activities on the water....and not just these MacDonald Beach individuals...the Vancouver area has many more.

I agree FM. May have been posted earlier, but just in case here's the DFO- Observer, Record Report number 1-800-465-4336. Everyone should have it in their cell phone. From what I understand speaking with DFO Fisheries Officers, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, the more calls the better!