Investigation: Mcdonald beach

Honestly, I think I've done my part here. Poaching is a serious matter and accusations of poaching more so(you best be right). Some posters have tried to get contact info on this outfit and were unsuccessful. I have provided more than info to contact this company. Go get a newspaper and find the ad. I believe it runs daily. Browse their website. Give them an earful. Send it to dfo.

I don't know those people and do not support them.

My point of the op was a response to racist comments. I tried to do that in a playful manner. If you show your racist views on a public forum on the internet, I feel I need to respond to that. If you have racist views but show decency and not post them, I'm a happy camper.

Everyone else who gives a rat's butt...

If you see this firm at the dock or fishing on the water and you suspect they are doing ANYTHING remotely suspicious or illegal call the ORR hotline or DFO directly.


They have denied more than 2 Creel Surveyors access to their catch and myself, when I have viewed the suspicious goings on.

This is the website.

if you don't read Chinese..... Translate it with Google.
that said...don't see anything illegal on the website itself....a whole lot of take, but within limits that I see??
Wow! Watched the videos, even if they are fishing within the regs. there is no way these waters can support that kind of fishing. Loading boats with people to attack bottom fish:mad:

I feel sick to my stomach.
All that DFO needs to do is plant a couple of people on the boat for a trip, but they don't because of the political repercussions.
don't think the website says a thing - do they take their max, sure, is it harmful to the stocks, sure, is it any different than what you would see on a charter page from say Winter Harbour or Port Hardy, or even the crazy limits down in California?

Question being, do they take more behind the scenes or are they fishing RCA's to get those kind of catches....that needs visual/video/proof. In the meantime, nothing to see here beyond charter operators that have no interest in conservation. I'd wonder about licensing for boat capacity as well!?! Don't know.
Wow! Watched the videos, even if they are fishing within the regs. there is no way these waters can support that kind of fishing. Loading boats with people to attack bottom fish:mad:

I feel sick to my stomach.

I agree. Not sustainable. It's guided fishing. Pretty sure most local charter companies offer bottomfishing trips across the strait if the client so chooses.
I agree. Not sustainable. It's guided fishing. Pretty sure most local charter companies offer bottomfishing trips across the strait if the client so chooses.

Yes, but if anyone wants to look in our coolers, including creel surveyors, we'd say "come on down! " and be cooperative instead of Spy vs. Spy tactics in evading the watchful eyes of the public at large! We also don't run 3-5 boats over there every day with 9 passengers on board each boat bonking every thing with fins which comes to the surface and we don't return to the dock handing off fish to waiting people in Mercedes, BMWs, etc etc.

There's a well known sound very close to Vancouver which has just 5 percent of the bottomfish it used to fact, they were nearly eliminated.

I have called ORR 4 times on 4 different people in the last 4 years....

Buccaneer, let's keep this simple, everyone on this board, including you, needs to be vigilant and open minded in watching for suspicious activities on the water....and not just these MacDonald Beach individuals...the Vancouver area has many more.
Buccaneer, let's keep this simple, everyone on this board, including you, needs to be vigilant and open minded in watching for suspicious activities on the water....and not just these MacDonald Beach individuals...the Vancouver area has many more.

Yup.....a few come to mind including a newer blue hulled Sea Ray that is maybe 33'....give or take a foot or two.
Yes, but if anyone wants to look in our coolers, including creel surveyors, we'd say "come on down! " and be cooperative instead of Spy vs. Spy tactics in evading the watchful eyes of the public at large! We also don't run 3-5 boats over there every day with 9 passengers on board each boat bonking every thing with fins which comes to the surface and we don't return to the dock handing off fish to waiting people in Mercedes, BMWs, etc etc.

There's a well known sound very close to Vancouver which has just 5 percent of the bottomfish it used to fact, they were nearly eliminated.

I have called ORR 4 times on 4 different people in the last 4 years....

Buccaneer, let's keep this simple, everyone on this board, including you, needs to be vigilant and open minded in watching for suspicious activities on the water....and not just these MacDonald Beach individuals...the Vancouver area has many more.

I totally agree. We need to be vigilent and proactive in protecting this resource.

I disagree with not bonking everything that comes up. If target species is rockfish/snapper, I think the right thing to do is kill what comes up, limit reached, your done.. Last thing I wanna see are floaters.

I would like to add, as well as Merc and Bimmer, Dodge Caravan and Ford F series.
It's not clear at all to me why the type of car someone drives is relevant to whether or not they are poaching.
I checked out the site given on the internet.

In the "Google translate " mode.

To be fair it seems they are well aware of regs and areas and limits as they are posted.

Oddly, all the species seem to have different added names than we know them by,,,,for instance referring to Ling Cod as a type of grouper.

Whether this is the result of the Google "translate" not translating properly I don't know......

They do allow, however that they will take you to "secret fish nest"....whatever that means......
I'm just amazed they are finding that many yellow eye!

But really they're not stupid, they're not going to post pictures of illegal activity on their website. It doesn't prove or disporove anything.

Is it illegal to rape and pillage rockfish stocks - no? Is it unethical - yes!
I'm just amazed they are finding that many yellow eye!

But really they're not stupid, they're not going to post pictures of illegal activity on their website. It doesn't prove or disporove anything.

Is it illegal to rape and pillage rockfish stocks - no? Is it unethical - yes!

It does prove they are not selling trips based on inflated limits. The website shows their knowledge of the regs, as well, my friend called using perfect mandarin and they stated 1 rocky, 1 ling.

The yelloweye catches are impressive. That guy can fish. But I got to think the pic gallery is just marketing, like any other business. Display trophy catches to draw in customers.
It does prove they are not selling trips based on inflated limits. The website shows their knowledge of the regs, as well, my friend called using perfect mandarin and they stated 1 rocky, 1 ling.

The yelloweye catches are impressive. That guy can fish. But I got to think the pic gallery is just marketing, like any other business. Display trophy catches to draw in customers.

well whatever the case may be, if any Nanaimo angler is having trouble catching a ling for fish and chips, they now know why...
Licensed anglers?
Unprovable allegations of overfishing?
Has DFO checked them out, done a creel check on them? Had a complaint?

Reminds me of the locals reactions I heard after Oak Bay MG based a floating hotel and started running the charter boats with 12+(?) anglers aboard out of Uclulet.
Within a couple years the locals couldn't catch a halibut without venturing further out than they were accustomed to having to do.
More pressure on a local resource?
Exploitation by a select group? (In the Ucluelet case, those who could afford it and paid OBMG)

Don't know the answers myself, but I don't think a blanket condemnation is in order.