Int'l Pacific Halibut Commission Annual Meeting - Victoria, Mon thru Fri

I can only provide logic... If you can not see the logic I can't help you.
I do not have any numbers on effort. I can only supply you the logic in the argument.
I can tell you that when decisions were made last year we were told that if we did not go to the slot we would be closed late July or early August. So to say that the slot had no effect is something I don't buy into.
I'm done... I will now spend my time on the real problem.... the 15/85 split.
An early indication of what the answer will be can be found in the fact that last year's slot did not reduce the average size fish harvested. In fact, early indication is avg size harvested may have increased slightly. A slightly larger size, or same size, for the same total lbs harvested means that the same number of fish were harvested (or perhaps even sightly less). Those facts indicate same or lower effort from the previous year. Either that or effort was up but success was done. In either case the fact a slot didn't reduce the average size harvested, rate of harvest or total lbs harvested mean it didn't work and, potentially, could have worked really badly had success/effort been better.

Does that make sense GLG?
I understand your point but we have seen more people out there fishing for halibut.
I went to a seminar last year and was surprised to see over 400 attendees.
seadna made my point by saying that angler effort has gone up.
Let's face it more and more people are getting into this end of the sport.
I have seen many friends asking to take them hali fishing in the last couple of years.
Effort is going up as more what to get in on this great fishery.
That is how I view it...
You don't buy into something that all the data and facts show conclusively and that's logic?

I guess I'm done, too. God help our halibut resource!!!!!!
I don't understand what's so hard to get?

The slot reg worked in DFO's model because of the way the model is set up. A fact.

The slot did not work in reality as the actual data from the fishing grounds suggest. Probably true - but know one knows for sure what we catch.

So question is, do we rather play by DFO's faulty model (that DFO's fish models are frequently flawed is not news) and try for the best with that or do we try convincing DFO their model is wrong and switch somehow over to a better model closer matching the real world?
Even after all the data proves without a doubt that the slot was in effective
Um effort is not in the data so how can this be proof with out a doubt?
Glad you liked the cake. No offense meant just to lighten it up...
I'm not really sure who you guys (JS and Ukee) are arguing with. There isn't a sole on this board or for that matter on the SFAC that wants a slot limit. Nobody here makes the rules. The guys on here that have any say at all only get to voice their opinion on which DFO restriction best serves our sector. I have no doubt that you have compiled extensive research to prove that the slot was ineffective but given the choices presented by DFO it was the best of the bunch and worth a shot given the models. In the future, there has to be a better solution but one has yet to be tabled by DFO so the slot is the lesser of all evils. Until such time that an effective management strategy is presented by DFO or changes to the TAC are implemented, this is what we get.

What is there to argue about here?
You don't buy into something that all the data and facts show conclusively and that's logic?

I guess I'm done, too. God help our halibut resource!!!!!!
Perhaps I'm not convinced with your argument as it does not include effort.
Lets just agree to disagree and be done with it.
Time to move on to the 15/85 split.
PM sent...
As far as the rec community is concerned, the people involved in these decisions are top quality, well intentioned, and professional in how they represent us. Let's have the grace and wisdom to either support and let them make decisions, or get directly involved to help them.

Agreed. Become knowledgable and involved in support of the process having the best outcome for all anglers.
JS, you are finally making sense to me...what is the point of debating the slot when that is not a choice that will be on the table for 2013 as a "stand alone" option. DFO has already closely examined and developed models for a number of options they will consider (see the Halibut Options paper). The SFAB main board will have to pick one next week (Feb 2/3) and we go from there. Let's try to support those who are working tirelessly inside the SFAB process helping reach the best overall decision for us and get behind them. Let's remember that while we are enjoying watching the super bowl, they will be sitting in meetings on our behalf...a thankless job indeed.

Next hurtle is taking aim at the 85/15. Maybe after our Commercial friends saw how we can team up to address the IPHC science models and draconian harvest recommendations, they will be a little more alive to what is to be gained by working with the Rec sector as opposed to working hard to put thumb screws on it. I don't imagine we will be able to get going there until after the Malcolm case is decided however.
I hope ukee and JS get what they want and next season is no slot but 1/1.

They are certainly the loudest on this forum but from experience I know the squeaky wheel is usually squeeking for themselves not the better of everyone.

The only fact I know for sure is no real scientist would take 1 fishing season with so many unlnown variables and declare that a particular regulation did or did not work. In a science experiment you control ALL variables and change 1 thing to see the results. In this experiment the only thing constant is season length and total TAC is close everything else (weather, effort, efficiency, size of halibut, abundance of halibut etc. etc.) is completely variable and mostly unknown.

You choose not to address these parts of the equation that will DRASTICLY effect the overall results and instead keep beating the dead horse of similar TAC similar length of season.

In 2011 I fished Hali about 6 times caught 0. In 2012 I fished hali about 15 times and caught 13. Effort and success are going WAY up while TAC goes down unfortunately effort and success are increasing faster then the slot could reduce the overall catch. If salmon in 2012 was as good as 2011 I would have done more salmon trips and caught fewer Hali extending the season. I'm only speaking for myself there but I'm sure some other people made a similar choice as me.
How can you say effort is not variable?

If there are 100 anglers all capable salmon and halibut anglers and salmon fishing is HOT like 2011 how many spend their day chasing salmon? Take that same group and salmon are SLOW do you think the effort on salmon would be the same? Good anglers adapt and go for what's biting.

All we have are our personal experiences even DFO doesnt know all the facts everyone is guessing. It's fine though take away the slot it didn't work make er 1 per day that's good enough for everyone except the swift sure guys catching all the babies. that's who the slot was put in for - the guys who can only catch little ones. Nobody who nails a 100lbr on day 1 is going to try for a slot fish but people who only catch 10 pounders can keep 2. That's who it was developed for.
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"Lastly GWD, I live on the North Island. There is no regulation that has been presented that effects me. Although i only caught 3 halibut last season, i can go and catch them anytime i want."

No closed season where you fish Jerry ? :confused:
So I hear some may be "willing" to accept 1/1 no size restriction? Are you kidding me? With the same total as last year we would reduce our catch by 50%?!?! My mind is boggled, and to any of those of you that are on these committees and have a hand in shaping our halibut season, don't be ridiculous guys, let's get a season in like last years...1/1 will cause extreme upgrading as well resulting in large amounts of released dead fish and targeting of the larger broad stock...just dumb!
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I'm not aware of one SFAC that gave that option a consideration.
Sure it's on the table but I don't think it has a chance.
PM incoming....

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I'm not aware of one SFAC that gave that option a consideration.
Sure it's on the table but I don't think it has a chance.
PM incoming....

Your inbox is Full clean it out please.

I sure hope not!!!

Do not see how 1/1 can be anything but BAD
You guys aren't going to start arguing TAC will be used slower with 1/2 no slot vs. 1/1 are you?