If you fish the waterfront regularly like I do in the winter, I would appreciate it if you could report regularly on your encounters with seals.
Can you use the following format:
Date Fished:
Number of Salmon hooked:
Number of Salmon landed:
Number of Salmon lost to seals:
Perhaps we might be able to use this data to build a case for seal management. Who knows. If not then at least we might have a better handle on the true impact of seals locally. I would wager that the number of fish lost to seals is at least equal to, if not double, the number of fish landed. Perhaps we can start a 50/50 pool to guess the actual ratio.
Can you use the following format:
Date Fished:
Number of Salmon hooked:
Number of Salmon landed:
Number of Salmon lost to seals:
Perhaps we might be able to use this data to build a case for seal management. Who knows. If not then at least we might have a better handle on the true impact of seals locally. I would wager that the number of fish lost to seals is at least equal to, if not double, the number of fish landed. Perhaps we can start a 50/50 pool to guess the actual ratio.