Well-Known Member
Let's say you were moving to Ladysmith from Vancouver. But in between you had to spend a couple of months in Victoria, so you rented a storage spot for your boat somewhere around Ladysmith.
If you got up in the morning one Sunday and the sky was clear and you'd just made sure the lights all worked on your trailer and the whole thing was packed and ready to go, wouldn't it be reasonable to drive out to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal and get on a sailing headed for Duke Point to drop it off at your storage space?
I mean what could possibly go wrong?
Oh, it's a bit of a flurry. Well, no big deal, she'll blow over before the ferry even arrives.

Oh heck, she's a bit blustery out there boys. And snow sticking to the windows and everything. Well, we're in for a penny, in for a pound. Once you've paid the fare you're getting on the ferry, so let's check in with the trailer...

Jeez, she's starting to stick to the windshield. Well, as long as there's no snow on the roads south of Nanaimo.

Oh heck, where's Gabriola? That's a pretty blurry horizon out there, could be snow. Well, once I pull off the ferry I'll have some sense of things. Oh, a message from the storage place. Closing early on account of snow? Well what the heck is that aboot? Probably half an inch of snow and these summer tire Civic drivers are giving up and headed home. I'll probably pull onto the highway and have clear sailing right to Ladysmith, and now I'll have to find somewhere else to park her for a few days. That's for sure going to be the biggest obstacle in my day, just a bunch of fair-weather Chemainus types who panic at a little dusting of snow.
4LO on the highway, 30km/h, pulled off the road the first chance I got (Oyster Bay) and got a hotel and had to peel my hands off the wheel with a god damn crow bar. JESUS W.T.F. CHRISTMAS WHAT THE DAMN HECKIN' CHRIST IS THIS?
No joke, happy to be alive right now. One tap of the brake pedal and I'd have been upside down with 4000 pounds of boat on top of me. Just about cried tears of joy when I saw the Oyster Bay sign because I figured I could get off the highway and get a room. If I'd seen an exit I thought I could survive I'd have pulled off sooner...absolutely terrifying conditions for towing that beast.
So for anyone who saw this boat getting towed down the island highway and thought "what is wrong with this lunatic" I assure you, if I could have stopped sooner I would have. I have done some pretty sketchy drives but this was about the worst.
About the only consolation is that the Malahat is closed so I don't think my new boss will hold this against me. But holy hell, that was a drive I will never forget.
Also, any advice for parking this thing for a week in Ladysmith-ish? The storage place says they probably won't open tomorrow, and no F'n way am I towing the beast down the god damned Malahat. I am thinking I might try to cut a deal with the hotel or a gas station or something.
If you got up in the morning one Sunday and the sky was clear and you'd just made sure the lights all worked on your trailer and the whole thing was packed and ready to go, wouldn't it be reasonable to drive out to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal and get on a sailing headed for Duke Point to drop it off at your storage space?
I mean what could possibly go wrong?

Oh heck, she's a bit blustery out there boys. And snow sticking to the windows and everything. Well, we're in for a penny, in for a pound. Once you've paid the fare you're getting on the ferry, so let's check in with the trailer...

Jeez, she's starting to stick to the windshield. Well, as long as there's no snow on the roads south of Nanaimo.

Oh heck, where's Gabriola? That's a pretty blurry horizon out there, could be snow. Well, once I pull off the ferry I'll have some sense of things. Oh, a message from the storage place. Closing early on account of snow? Well what the heck is that aboot? Probably half an inch of snow and these summer tire Civic drivers are giving up and headed home. I'll probably pull onto the highway and have clear sailing right to Ladysmith, and now I'll have to find somewhere else to park her for a few days. That's for sure going to be the biggest obstacle in my day, just a bunch of fair-weather Chemainus types who panic at a little dusting of snow.

4LO on the highway, 30km/h, pulled off the road the first chance I got (Oyster Bay) and got a hotel and had to peel my hands off the wheel with a god damn crow bar. JESUS W.T.F. CHRISTMAS WHAT THE DAMN HECKIN' CHRIST IS THIS?
No joke, happy to be alive right now. One tap of the brake pedal and I'd have been upside down with 4000 pounds of boat on top of me. Just about cried tears of joy when I saw the Oyster Bay sign because I figured I could get off the highway and get a room. If I'd seen an exit I thought I could survive I'd have pulled off sooner...absolutely terrifying conditions for towing that beast.
So for anyone who saw this boat getting towed down the island highway and thought "what is wrong with this lunatic" I assure you, if I could have stopped sooner I would have. I have done some pretty sketchy drives but this was about the worst.
About the only consolation is that the Malahat is closed so I don't think my new boss will hold this against me. But holy hell, that was a drive I will never forget.
Also, any advice for parking this thing for a week in Ladysmith-ish? The storage place says they probably won't open tomorrow, and no F'n way am I towing the beast down the god damned Malahat. I am thinking I might try to cut a deal with the hotel or a gas station or something.