If you were going to fish somewhere new ... ?


Question for you all.

If you were planning on going to fish a new area (eg. Bamfield, Tofino, Nootka, Hardy ...) and you had never been there, what information would want to know before going? (other than the obvious is the fishing good? question).

Things that stick out in my mind would be: travel to the area ie road conditions, fishing locations, ramps, accomodations, weather stations/weather channels for the area, best times, best tides etc.

What do you think?

You have answered your own questions very well !:) If I were fishing a new area I would try to talk to the local fishermen for tips ect. and I would read up on as many fishing reports for that area you could find.
Getting a chart of the area or have a chartplotter that has the area you will be fishing.Local weather conditions.
Quality of accomadations.

So far we have been somewhat dissapointed in our accomadations in Bamfield. Rooms are ok but not as nice as advertised. Docks, Cleaning stations all in various states of dis-repair from the light not working at Cleaning station, to docks with missing or broken planks, poor parking for larger boat, no shuttle of luggage from dock to rooms.

All small stuff no doubt but when added together with long journey and cost of accomadations, not a good first impression.