If You Start Seeing Naked Spool On Your Reel When Fighting a Tyee.....


Well-Known Member
Don't back down too hard trying to get all that line back.....




Boat sunk...
Crew rescued...

Fish got away....
holy fak!!! i have had to back down hard on halibut and almost sank my 2102 trophy. banged the throttle into forward , cranked the wheel and followed it bow forward.
Looks like a photo shop job !
No it's the real thing you can actually see the Captain falling out of the tower and once he fell that was it because there's no lower helm controls on that boat.

That Marlin didn't last too long dragging around an 80 wide 600 yds of line and a rod.
No photo-shop going on. Word was he backed down a bit too aggressively, lost his balance, and once the starboard transom went under she just kept going.... it would be interesting to see if the transom tuna door was open ---calm seas, false sense of security...?
I'm no seasoned pro on backing down on a marlin lol...... But from watching online videos I've never understood why some guys do it soooooo aggressively. Doesn't seem like you can gain much meaningful ground with the fish and everyone seems to lose balance on the dance floor lol. Everyone does it so it must be important.. Seems a little over the top at times.
No photo-shop going on. Word was he backed down a bit too aggressively, lost his balance, and once the starboard transom went under she just kept going.... it would be interesting to see if the transom tuna door was open ---calm seas, false sense of security...?

I saw on another site that the door was open, I think the rig was a 31 ft bertram. Pretty nuts, he must have been hammering down on it.
Get a big fish like that on....see how fast it takes line and you'll know why you back down on it so hard....
damn thats a sexy boat. 9 knots in reverse....crazy!