How was Sooke Saturday?

Tips Up

Well-Known Member
Looked like a real nice day for fishing yesterday.
Anyone get out Sooke way?
First fish over 40 lb was weighed in at Outfitters on Friday! I also so a 104 lb hali on their scale while I was there. Lots of fish in the 30's already this year. It seems to be starting off great this year!!

I just finished putting new swivel mounts and new riggers on the boat yesterday. A few more little things and I am ready to go for the season!!

JDF Derby is approaching!!
Beautiful day for fishing indeed but nothing going on all morning between O'Brien and the Head. Soaked a couple chovies between 5 and 11 with a couple hundred other ships and only saw one hookup. Heard of a couple more on the radio, one at Secretary and one at the Bedfords. The long slow ebb just didn't seem to get the fish moving.

I also heard Friday was pretty good for numbers.

Typical Sooke, one day good/hot followed by a couple slow.

My try tomorrow if the weather cooperates.
It was slow but we managed to pick up a 27lb spring off the bottom.
Only saw 4 other fish come in.
1'st fishing trip of the season. We fished Otter pt. Yesterday (Sat. evening) 17:00-20:00. we picked up a 25 1/2 lb., 15 lb. springs. and released a smaller spring. Gorgeous evening, flat calm, fish in the boat, motored in with a gorgeous sun set in the back ground. What an evening! [8D]