How much is too much wind in Sooke?

Franko Manini

Well-Known Member
What does everyone consider to be too much wind to fish Sooke? There is a wind warning out for that area for tonight and tomorrow estimating 20 to 30 knots. I know direction, current, and tide play part too, and of course your boat.

So what boat do you have, and at what wind level and/or direction do you say "no go" and why?

I have a 20' ThunderJet Luxor and haven't really played with its limits so I am especially curious about similar boats.

Thanks guys,


MILF (Man, I Love Fishing)
I determine three things before saying no go.

1.On BWD there is thing called a pressure gradient. It is probably the most valuable out of anything on site.. If that swings very rapidly winds will rise over JDF... This is something I learned in a weather course I took....
2. Next I check pressure drops on all stations gordons, sheringham, race rocks and vic harbour and the UVIC school stations around sooke... If they are all falling rapidly its a another tell tail wind is going to change....
3. Then last thing I look at forecast you can do a 15-20 knot in summer if the wind direction an current are same direction. Lets pick right now SE and E everyday lately...If you notice its pretty calm and morning because its ebbing but in afternoon when that flood kicks in it gets nasty. Basically I use Murrays table and review and if wind direction sucks I know it will be ugly. In winter the wind cold air bites down and kicks up water faster so you really need to be careful... So 15-20 knots I wont do in winter,...

Then of course a check forecast. Environment Canada is usually way off I use the Washington state forecast is bang on usually and BWD.... Its sounds like a lot but when you are trailering an hour each way you don't want to waste your your time... Since I started doing this I am usually right 95% time..Rarely get it wrong..

My boats 18 ft malibu with a deep hull. It takes ridiculous weather probably more than I can handle...
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It looks like it may not be as bad as your first report for the morning. We may give it a shot in the morning after checking the reports first, especially Big Wave Dave. It sounds like you have not fished Sooke much and there are a lot of variables specific to your limits and your boats design limits and where you come out and decide to fish which in time you will learn for Sooke in addition to wind, waves, tide and current factors related to the decision and which SV covered.

If you fish in the morning I am not sure where you will be coming out of and where you plan to fish especially if it is bumpy, which for me makes a difference and it is good to have a plan. If we go we will be going out of Sooke Harbor and as the winds are predicted to be from the East we will be in the lee of the shore on the east side of Sooke inlet right out past Possession Pont (don’t run up on the one nasty reef/rock on the east side if you are doing the same) and then we should be in the lee of Secretary Island and if it gets too nasty will slip back into the inlet at Posession Point and be protected by the lee of the shore all the way in and around the spit. If the conditions are not that bad we will go off and fish where we want. If it is bumpy but fishable you may have to watch for floating kelp, weed and logs which are hard to see in the slop. I virtually never fish alone anymore for safety which helps when it is bumpy and/or foggy and you are navigating and working to hold a course in a super moon current while fishing.

For me the worst going in and out of Sooke harbour is a very strong south, south, west wind that push larger waves right at the end of the spit that stack up in closer and get higher as they hit the shallow water there just before the turn at the spit and especially if they run into a super moon ultra strong ebb tide that sends millions of gallons of water out of Sooke harbor and basin rushing through that small shallow opening and hit those oncoming large/high stacked sloppy waves turning into a washing machine plus. Have white knuckled it once doing that to get around the corner of the spit and don’t want to do it again. It can actually be much better conditions farther out where the water is deeper and the oncoming current not as strong so don't wait too long to go in in those conditions. Of course I would be the first to say I am a bit of wave and wind wimp, more than most with a little predisposition towards sea sickness. If I see those conditions developing I do my best to go in and get around the spit before it builds up and gets ugly and if I have any doubts about that possibility developing I stay close to home or if out west etc. we come back and fish out front of the harbor just in case we decide to go in fast. Luckily those extreme conditions don't develop very often but I like to go in even if it is getting moderately nasty - again I am a wave wimp and there is lots of opportunity to fish in good conditions. I would also think that if you only have one motor you really want to limit your self to very good conditions around Sooke where you do not want to be without power when it is nasty. Two reliable motors, even if one is only a kicker gives me peace of mind.
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Just checked BWD and it looks OK for us, not flat but from the east at 10 or less. - 22 foot glass boat.

P S Because of level 3 sunspots today your radio and more importantly GPS may not work as well for accuracy of position which is a possible issue if it is foggy. Read a report on this on line.
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Thanks guys. Still looking for more opinions too. I have two good motors, and yes, I tend towards safe rather than sorry. I didn't go out today, mostly because I am sick, but it is blowing pretty good in Langford right now.


MILF (Man, I Love Fishing)
Tomorrow after 2 pm it looks good. Windy isn't too strong.. less than 5 knots but the water will be ok don't flat water.