How long do you stay in one spot?


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys stay on one spot when anchored up fishing for halibut before you move on to the next?
I milked every last ounce of information from the anchoring for halibut threads and I still needed to ask questions and needed clarification on things. So, I want to return the favor.
It is in my very little but very successful experience that the tide is extremely important. Your scent will not attract halibut on a slack tide unless you are lucky enough to drop your bait on top of a halibut. In my experience it took two hours for the first bite but then the fun begins. So be sure to give yourself at least two hours before the tide change.
Good luck.
I have never anchored for them.

I move from spot to spot constantly and usually catch them.

If we don't have a bite within 10-15 minutes we usually move. Once we are on them it's boom boom.

This is all drift fishing off Ukee.