How do You store caught fish at sea?

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I just installed a Baader 434 S heading machine for when I get into the cohos hot and heavy. I'm in the process of wiring her up. Once that's done I'll probably have to fly in a tech from Norway to keep it running. Trying to figure out where to store all the spare parts inventory --- if it's not one thing, it's another

Conveyor belt comes next, probably with a back-lit sheet of plexiglass so I can candle out the pin bones. Once that's installed, I was thinking of a brine tank, or maybe a set of Sabroe blast freezers.

That salt ice maker won't keep up with the level of production I'm planning. Might as well get a **** bucket if I'm going to install a salt ice maker. I'll keep you posted on my progress. CFIA now wants me to get a HACCP plan. What's up with that?
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I keep a large, high quality cooler on board that doubles as an extra seat. It keeps ice solid even on the hottest of days; just keep the lid closed.

When I catch a fish that I'm keeping I stun it with a sharp rap between the eyes and sever the arteries behind each gill. Then hold the fish over the side and let the blood pump out for 20-30 seconds. A quick rinse then into the cooler it goes. Ice underneath it and ice on top. Then I gut / fillet back at the cleaning station at the dock and repack in fresh ice for the trip home.

Pretty tough to gut and clean a fish on-board a 17' runabout packed with people and gear, pitching back and forth in the waves. Never had a problem with freshness using the method described above.