hootchies what colors should i get

i will get the ones you guys said and hook sizes do you use what is the best hook to use

You're going to get a different answer from everyone when it comes I hook size, brand, and rigging style. I'd recommend using tandem 4/0 octopus hooks and tying them so they face opposite directions. Most pre packaged hoochies are tied this way.
The other popular option is to have a single siwash hook..
There's lots of past threads discussing leader length, material, rigging style, hook quality lol.
Pay attention to leader length as its the mot important aspect of hoochie fishing IMO.
Pay attention to leader length as its the mot important aspect of hoochie fishing IMO.

and what are your suggestions? :)

I cant see but did this guy say where or what hes fishing for?

I would search past threads there Seafever has givin great detailed suggestions
Dont go buy 1000 different hoochies.... Get the splatter back (OG140R) and the white-UV (OAL12R).... They are very well rounded options, one being glow, one UV.
Catch some fish with these and then start branching out....
and what are your suggestions? :)

I cant see but did this guy say where or what hes fishing for?

I would search past threads there Seafever has givin great detailed suggestions

3 and a half wraps lengthwise on the flasher with 40-50# leader is a very good length for most trolling speeds.

He hasn't said where he's fishing lol...
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You don't need to "head into PNT and buy every color".

There are about 5 or 6 that you could fish anywhere around the island and they will get you some fish.

I don't buy into the "secret magic hoochy" that will outfish everything else. There isn't one.

80% of the hoochies hanging on the wall of PNT are just color schemes that commies came up with , thinking that that it would be a major fish catcher in a particular area........some of them do work in certain places at certain times.
But there's a lot that will make no difference to a local sporty.

Many of them are just variations on existing color schemes.......but they said to themselves "hmmm....I think that one will work better with a stripe of this color or some dots of that color or whatever...."

UV hoochies might arguably work better than non UV at times........but personally I'm not totally convinced.......some of the old hoochies made years back were non UV but they were killers......some of those old time colors are still around today and they are still working.

In the hands of someone that knew what they were doing, you could leave the dock with only 2 or 3 different hoochies and you'd in all likelyhood get fish.......

Fish do have preferences on different days.......some days they like spoons better than hoochies and some days they like bait over hoochies and spoons.

Some days they like needlefish hoochies instead of regular hoochies.

But all in all, if you get all the other factors dialed in (like boats speed, dropback, leader length, etc. etc.) it's not going to take 150 different hoochies to nail a fish.

Sure...there a dozen different ways to rig a hoochy...we're all looking to build a better mousetrap....

But for the guy that doesn't want to spend time coming up with foolproof methods or doesn't have the knowledge.......

then using 4/0 tandem(where regs allow) salmon hooks, one up one down on 40,50,or 60 lb test , with the rear hook close to the tail, should be adequate for most fishers.

Leader length depends on a lot on boat speed ,trolling with or against the current, drop-back, etc.
Personally I like 37" back of flasher to nose of hoochy as a genral starting point.

That length of leader for hoochy you can change the action on it by changing the variables just mentioned without actually changing the leader length.
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Also...here's a tip WMarwood:-

whatever hoochy you are using:-

Pick up some Anchovy paste in a tube from the supermart....

Squirt out some paste and add a drop of Smelly Jelly "Anchovy" Sticky Liquid.

mix them together.

Pull open up your tied hoochy and apply liberally to front bead and inside head.

Re-assemble hoochy and fish it.

Wipe off excess or any oil from your hands and fingers so you don't get any on lines,clips etc etc...(if you do you are subject to pin "pop-outs").

Be sure to wash out hoochies at end of trip so they don't stain.


Top left....T-rex
2nd left.....Grn Splatterback
3rd left.....White "Casper"
4th left.....Grn Splatterback needlefish
5th left......Glow Army Truck
6th left....pink needlefish squirt

Top right....."green ghost"...glow with green stripe down side....this one has added beads
2nd right....Glow Cop Car....thsi one has added skirt
3rd right....Purple Haze U/V...stripe is purple
4th right........Black oil Slick
5th right......Straight Glow (this one is cuttlefish version)
6th right.......OAL12R Yamashita....pearl white U/V......(this one is cuttlefish version)....
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You laid out a very good batch of hootchy's. I fish with green in just about everything. Have done very well over the years on the glow, black oil slick, purple haze and most of the one's you've pictured.

Question. Is that small wire ties you use to keep the leader in a neat loop. I have tried them but they always rust. Anything special you do?

View attachment 7786

Top left....T-rex
2nd left.....Grn Splatterback
3rd left.....White "Casper"
4th left.....Grn Splatterback needlefish
5th left......Glow Army Truck
6th left....pink needlefish squirt

Top right....."green ghost"...glow with green stripe down side....this one has added beads
2nd right....Glow Cop Car....thsi one has added skirt
3rd right....Purple Haze U/V...stripe is purple
4th right........Black oil Slick
5th right......Straight Glow (this one is cuttlefish version)
6th right.......OAL12R Yamashita....pearl white U/V......(this one is cuttlefish version)....
Try cutting pieces of plastic drinking straws-some like em and others can't stand em-what I use.
What I like even better are the "straw" like tubes that some of the fancy flowers have over the stems to support them, buy the wife flowers and salvage the tubes before the wilted flowers go into the compost.
They are clear tubes and about 3/8" to 1/2" in diameter, a lot easier to work the leader into and doesn't seem to kink the leaders as bad as drinking straws.
i was out sunday at pollier pass on the outside and got a 25.5 and 15.5 springs and 12 ling cod on spatter back hootchies the green ones thats for the good tips
I would like to know if anyone has recently been fishing China Creek for Sockeye? July 5-6 or 7th 2013
Does anyone know if the seiners or gill netters are scheduled to fish in the China Creek area.